Micro Lesson 276: "Key of A" Modal Chord Progression

Welcome to... "Micro-Lesson 276"

This Micro Lesson explores the modal harmony within a, "Key of A," chord progression that applies an arpeggiated chord effect with a static bass-note. 

The unique sounds of modal harmony have been the focus of nearly every guitarist in almost every style of music. Through the use of a static bass-note, and extended scale tones, the modal effect takes on a fantastic sound in guitar music. 

This chord progression applies a modal effect using a static open, "A," 5th string across all measures. The first measure of this progression uses a 4th string root, "A Power Chord," shape that is arpeggiated and has the low, "A," 5th string anchored below. 

Measure two is introduced with the sound of a, "D major," harmony which also maintains the open 5th string down below. This, "D major," chord takes the piece into either major or Dorian effects on the first pass. However, after the initial pass through, a defined "Minor" tonality sound is established. 

Measure three brings in the, "Aeolian Mode," effect with an, "F major," chord. This cancels the influence of the second measures, "D major," (which contained an F# tone). The final measure allows for a turnaround which is again more, "Minor Tonality." This is accomplished through the, "C major," and the, "G Power-chord." 

Overall, the progression is very Minor, yet pulls out unique "Dorian" colors through the transition between the use of both, "F#," and, "F natural," scale tones. You can perform the progression using either flat-pick style or using finger-picking. In the video I played it entirely by use of a guitar pick. I hope you enjoy the progression.

Micro Lesson 276: "Key of A" Modal Chord Progression