Posted by Andrew Wasson
Monday, February 29, 2016

No... Not everyone has the ability to compose music, and your genes could explain why...
Creativity is hard trait to explain - particularly when it comes to trying to figure out how much of it is determined by our environment, and how much is...
Posted by Andrew Wasson

Welcome to... "Micro-Lesson 290"
This Micro-Lesson explores a Pop-Rock style guitar riff in the key of "D Minor."
The riff applies mostly power chords which are mixed against single-note-line runs. The first measure sets up the key center with a, "D Power-Chord,"...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Sunday, February 28, 2016

GuitarBlog: Guitar Chord Picking Patterns...
This weeks GuitarBlog runs through, "Guitar Chord Picking Patterns."
When we pick through chords, (using a plectrum), applying a unique picking pattern, we have the opportunity for creating some really cool sounding...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Friday, February 26, 2016

Courtesy of Jonathan Hack
The top five choices for iPhone and iPad music-education apps, beginner to expert...
If you’re like me, you’re always working to improve your craft. That means staying on top of new technology and gear, allowing yourself to be influenced by incredible...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Thursday, February 25, 2016

Courtesy of Hugh McIntyre
Every musician needs to have a presence on YouTube, and they need to do it right.
By now, every musician out there – whether just getting started or something of a veteran – should be aware that YouTube is an incredibly important platform to anybody...
Posted by Andrew Wasson

Welcome to... "Micro-Lesson 289"
This Micro Lesson works through a dreamy New-Age chord progression in the key of, "G Major."
New Age guitar instrumental music is most famous for it's open ringing chords with sounds of; rain-drops, frogs, crickets and streams...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Courtesy of Max Monahan
Science has proven that the average brain of a musician has considerable differences when compared the brain of an individual that doesn't play music!
...and despite what your extended family says, the differences are all very positive!
Posted by Andrew Wasson

Welcome to... "Micro-Lesson 288"
This Micro Lesson covers a Soul /R and B groove in the key of, "D Minor."
The progression uses the chords built off of the keys; IV-chord (G Minor), the III-chord (F Major), and the Tonic Chord of the key, (D Minor).
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Courtesy of Christopher DeArcangelis
Buskers who truly entertain their crowds and choose their locations wisely can go home with some serious money in their pockets.
Busking, or street performance, is a tradition that dates back to antiquity and is socially accepted in many...
Posted by Andrew Wasson

Welcome to... "Micro-Lesson 287"
This Micro Lesson runs through a, "Folk-Rock," finger-picking riff in the key of, "G Major."
The riff begins on a "pick-up" (off of the up-beat of "2"), where these open-string pick-up notes bring in our first measure. Climbing...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Monday, February 22, 2016

Courtesy of Christopher DeArcangelis
5 Simple But Effective Arrangement Tricks That’ll Bring a Track to Life...
Sometimes what makes a song really stand out isn’t so much the writing, per se – it’s the arrangement of the instruments on the recording or performance. The...
Posted by Andrew Wasson

Welcome to... "Micro-Lesson 286"
Micro Lesson 286
This Micro Lesson works through a fast-paced speed lick in the key of "F Minor."
The lick is made up of all 16th-notes and works it's way through the 8th position. Since it remains for the most part in one...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Sunday, February 21, 2016

GuitarBlog: Lead Guitar - Interval Soloing Patterns...
This week's GuitarBlog covers "Soloing Using Interval Patterns."
Soloing using all types of different interval distances within a scale will cause the notes to blend into many different and many unique melodic...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Welcome to... "Micro-Lesson 285"
Micro-Lesson 285
This Micro Lesson explores a, "Key of C," Blues Guitar Lick using both, "C Minor Pentatonic," and the, "C Blues Scale."
The lick travels ascending along between strings three to one. Beginning at the 4th position...
Posted by Andrew Wasson

Courtesy of Max Monahan
It happens to everyone sooner or later: you hit a wall. In a few weeks, you'll barely remember the whole ordeal, but when you're staring at a blank piece of sheet music wondering where to start, the situation can seem pretty daunting.
Posted by Andrew Wasson

Welcome to... "Micro-Lesson 284"
Micro Lesson 284
This Micro Lesson works through a Soft-Rock style chord progression in the key of, "F Major."
The guitar riff begins in the first measure by striking an, "F Major 7th," chord played in the 5th position. The second...