3 Killer Shred Sequences for Wah!

Hey it's October 31st Halloween, and I thought that it would be fun to rip out some crazy sounding wah licks with a killer shred guitar tone to celebrate the scariest night of the year! 

Were gonna have some fun, and we'll jam out through three really cool shred "scary" sounding wah licks all built from in the key of, "E Minor" - This format is the same as how the Qwik-Licks episodes are set-up over in the members area of my web-site.


If you like the format of this lesson, head over to my website at CreativeGuitarStudio.com where after you create your FREE membership, you'll have access to 30 FREE Lessons just like this.

That's right sign up and get THIRTY FREE Qwik-Licks lesson episodes!

 Licks from this video lesson...

Lick #1).

Lick #2).

 Lick #3).

As you can tell, these licks are a lot of fun to jam on, they're not overly complicated, and if you follow the Speed Learning methods I discuss throughout my guitar courses, of; memorization, and speed building with a metronome, you'll be shreddin' these licks down in no time flat.

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Take care everybody; enjoy the licks, happy Halloween, and I hope you have fun, and you score a lot of Halloween treats tonight. Take care and all the best...



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