3 Killer Shred Sequences for Wah!

Hey it's October 31st Halloween, and I thought that it would be fun to rip out some crazy sounding wah licks with a killer shred guitar tone to celebrate the scariest night of the year!  Were gonna have some fun, and we'll jam out through three really cool shred "scary" sounding...

How to Think Like Jazz Guitar Player

At some point almost every guitar player begins to consider that if they could take some time to learn jazz, the study of jazz could help them become a much better guitar player...  and they'd be correct! WATCH THE VIDEO: The thing that often stops players from learning...

GUITAR SOLOING 011: Acoustic Lead for Skill & Confidence

October 27, 2017: Lesson 011 - Acoustic Lead for Skill and Confidence Performing a guitar solo feels easy on the electric guitar. String gauges and string action is lighter on the electric guitar platform making articulations like slides, hammer-ons, and pull-offs easier...

Don't Touch Your Guitar Until You Watch This! (RHYTHM STUDY)

The most important skill we have next to our ears hearing music and our ability to technically play what we'd want to, is our sense of rhythm...  In order to perform rhythm parts accurately (that are also comfortable), and get the parts feeling like they're very well controlled...

Chords That You Will ACTUALLY USE (Suspended)

There's no arguing that the color of a suspended chord is really cool, and when its added to a riff - the song (that its used in) can really stand out...  In this post I'm going to run through a few examples of the use of suspended chords structured off of the root of "D."...

ACOUSTIC LESSON 010: Classical Guitar Proficiency

Acoustic Guitar 010:  Classical Guitar Proficiency... Exposure to specific playing techniques is the key to advanced finger-picking success. In this lesson, we'll explore a collection of finger-style techniques from the perspective of Classical Guitar in order to...

The Best Guitar Book Ever! (SUPER-CHOPS)

This week on the Guitar Blog Insider I discuss what I believe is probably the best guitar book for learning guitar skills with scales and arpeggios (all over the neck) that has ever been created... It seems that in recent months, I've been seeing a lot of YouTube videos going...

Top 7 Guitar Mistakes (TENSION & PAIN)

Is your body going through pain just to be able to play guitar? Does it hurt to sit or stand? Are you experiencing muscle fatigue and stress pain due to overdoing it? Do you have issues with tension and /or poor performance? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you NEED...