Committing To Your Instrument...

Courtesy of Inverted Mountain Beats c/o YouTube

Nobody feels like sitting in a practice room for more than 30 minutes. Especially if its a beautiful clear sunny day, all your friends are at the beach, and there you are - locked in your practice room... 

It can start to feel more like a prison, than a place of inspiration...

Trying to convince yourself to practice is hard enough as it is without everyone else you know doing things that seem like way more fun. What’s even more difficult than practicing your instrument, is deciding that you’re going to give up on going to all those; parties, the movies, beer night, the beach and trips to the lake... to totally commit to practice.

Instead of spending hours upon hours dreading the amount of practicing you’ll have to do, think of specific goals you’d like to make and meet. When you’re trying to get more serious about committing, it can be hard to just aim for practicing more without a reward or goal in sight.

And, when you're really feeling frustrated play the video below...