5 Steps to Take Guitar Solos From Good to Great...

Courtesy of Jesse Sterling Harrison... The excellent work of all the great guitar players out there shouldn’t stop you from taking a guitar solo; it should inspire you... ..."I never take solos,” says the hipster guitarist... “Everything’s already been done...”  Well,...

Figure it Out Fridays: Lesson 010 - Part One

Figure it Out Fridays: Lesson 010 - Part One Welcome to, "Figure it Out Fridays - Lesson 010," the unique Ear Training Guitar Lesson on YouTube.  The focus of these lessons will be to study how to transcribe, (learn by ear), a new guitar melody or a chord progression...

2-String Wide Lateral Guitar Arpeggio Patterns

GuitarBlog: 2-String Wide Lateral Guitar Arpeggio Patterns... Guitar players tend to learn their arpeggios in very vertical ways. Generally, within a "box shape" on the guitar fingerboard.  While this can offer us a few common sounds and applications of...

Figure it Out Friday's: Lesson 009 - Part Two

Figure it Out Friday's: Lesson 009 - Part Two Welcome to, "Figure it Out Fridays: Lesson 009 - Part Two," Ear Training Guitar Lesson.  Here's the Answer Key for, "Figure it Out Fridays," Ear Training Lesson 009. In this series, we study how to transcribe a new guitar...

How to Write Songs in Irregular Time Signatures

Courtesy of Mahea Lee... Introducing irregular time signatures into your compositional practice can be a liberating experience. Like anything else in music, nothing is hard and fast here, and there’s certainly a bit of magic involved, but here are a few tips to help you start...

5 Physical and Mental Condition Tips for Musicians...

Courtesy of Jhoni Jackson Peak conditions, for most musicians, are slowly developed - not forced into our musical lives at great expense... You don't have to squeeze a mini-gym into your home and spend hundreds of dollars a month on bulk quantities of nutritional supplements...

5 Solutions for "Gear Acquisition Syndrome" (GAS)...

Courtesy of Eric Bernsen It eats up your time and slows down your productivity. It’s been known to stop recording sessions in their tracks, break up bands, and end lifelong friendships... Do you have "Too Much Gear?" Having a ton of music equipment, (guitars, amps, pedals,...

Figure it Out Fridays: Lesson 009 - Part One

Figure it Out Fridays: Lesson 009 - Part One Welcome to, "Figure it Out Fridays - Lesson 009," the unique Ear Training Guitar Lesson on YouTube.  The focus of these lessons will be to study how to transcribe, (learn by ear), a new guitar melody or a chord progression...

4 Tips on Experimenting With Other Genres...

Courtesy of Eric Bernsen Once you've been writing and performing long enough that you fully understand what type of sound you want to share with the world, it's time to start experimenting with other music styles... It takes years of hard work to build a strong musical...

Jazz Guitar Octaves - Minor Pentatonic Scale

GuitarBlog: Jazz Guitar Octaves - Minor Pentatonic Scale... Octaves played on guitar are a popular sound and not one that is only performed by Rock players like Hendrix, or Jazz Guitarists like, Wes Montgomery...  Many other players in many other styles are...

Figure it Out Friday's: Lesson 008 - Part Two

Figure it Out Friday's: Lesson 008 - Part Two Welcome to, "Figure it Out Fridays: Lesson 008 - Part Two," Ear Training Guitar Lesson.  Here's the Answer Key for, "Figure it Out Fridays," Ear Training Lesson 008. In this series, we study how to transcribe a new guitar...

5 Things Guitarists Switching to Bass Need to Know...

Courtesy of Jesse Sterling Harrison Think you’ve got the mindset to trade your six-string for the low end? Here are five things you need to know... In the early days of rock 'n' roll, the spotlight seemed firmly fixed on the guitarists and singers. There was little love...

YOUR SOUND: 3 Ways to EQ Without Driving Yourself Crazy...

Courtesy of Aaron Staniulis When recording, the first thing many people tend to reach for when looking to shape their sound is an equalizer slider. Many times, this can be can be the perfect tool, but it's not your only option... A sure sign of amateur mixes is that they...