GUITAR TECHNIQUE 002: Chord Fingering Control (Basic)
April 015, 2018:
Chord Fingering Control (Basic)
NEW This unique Creative Guitar Studio course explores exercises for increasing dexterity and coordination between the hands. The goal will be to increase mobility and control.
Guitar Technique topics will focus on hand skill for perfected movement. The desired results include greater; clarity, agility, speed and accuracy of movement.
Lesson two of Guitar Technique works through a collection of drills focused on developing better control when playing chord patterns of all types.
Members can watch both video lessons and download all of the handouts, along with the MP3 play-a-long tracks...
Join the member's area to download the PDF handout and start study of these exercises. Study all of the examples with full access to both video lessons...
Watch the Part One Video FREE on YouTube:

Chord Fingering Control (Basic)
Guitar Technique topics will focus on hand skill for perfected movement. The desired results include greater; clarity, agility, speed and accuracy of movement.
Lesson two of Guitar Technique works through a collection of drills focused on developing better control when playing chord patterns of all types.
Members can watch both video lessons and download all of the handouts, along with the MP3 play-a-long tracks...
Join the member's area to download the PDF handout and start study of these exercises. Study all of the examples with full access to both video lessons...
Watch the Part One Video FREE on YouTube:
PART ONE: In example one, the exercise focuses on learning to better control fret-hand fingerings that are common in the pattern layouts of popular chord types.
This drill uses a collection of 2-note finger placement shapes to produce a total of eight fingering patterns.
Example two expands the eight pattern fingering drill from exercise one by using 3-note fretting to produce a collection of eight new 3-note fretting shapes.
These shapes (like the ones in exercise one) all operate within a single fingerboard position.
This drill uses a collection of 2-note finger placement shapes to produce a total of eight fingering patterns.
Example two expands the eight pattern fingering drill from exercise one by using 3-note fretting to produce a collection of eight new 3-note fretting shapes.
These shapes (like the ones in exercise one) all operate within a single fingerboard position.
In example three, uses a structured musical format to help players better develop their use of 3-note chord patterns on the neck. The harmonic color of the progression is from the 5th mode of "D Major," (A Mixolydian mode).
Example four, operates from off of several standard major and minor triads as well as, inversions. The exercise stresses creating correct fingering /fretting.
Emphasis is placed upon developing the proper feel for any "difficult reach or stretch" shapes - prior to building up the speed of your performance of the study.
Example four, operates from off of several standard major and minor triads as well as, inversions. The exercise stresses creating correct fingering /fretting.
Emphasis is placed upon developing the proper feel for any "difficult reach or stretch" shapes - prior to building up the speed of your performance of the study.
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Paid members can download the handout in the members area at:
Guitar Chords | F Chord | Guitar Notes | G Chord | C Chord | D Chord | Guitar String Notes