The Guitars (3) Neck Performance Zones

Learn how to take one melodic idea and move that idea along the neck from one fret-board region of the guitar, across to another, and then over to yet one more after that. Scales, arpeggios and chords can be performed all over the neck. Don't delay, start developing this skill today...
Once you learn how this concept works, (and you begin using it to re-locate guitar melody lines, guitar solos, and guitar licks), the whole neck will start opening up for you. Then, over time no matter what key you're in, the entire neck will start feeling like one big friendly place when you're playing anything.
The first thing players need to understand is that the guitar is (in general) five frets long. We can break down any melodic idea, or (chord progression for that matter), so that it functions within a five fret span on the neck. Below is an example of this with an "A Minor Pentatonic Scale."
For example, here's a one octave "A Minor" Pentatonic scale in the open to 5th fret region.
Open to 5th Position:
Now here it is again (the exact same scale tones) re-located between the 5th to 10th fret region of the neck.
5th to 10th Position:
And now here it is again ...up between the 10th to the 15th fret region.
10th to 15th Position:
NOTE: Once you start learning small segments of scales in these three regions of the neck, you'll be able to start re-organizing ANY guitar idea in each of the regions as well.
If you're still learning your scales on the neck, then be sure to watch my YouTube lesson titled, "How to Practice Scales."
Also, make sure that you download that lessons handout and the lessons jam-track.
Let's test this "3 region neck principle" using a collection of guitar lick examples. Here's our first play through of an example melody with the part performed up between the 10th to 15th frets...
Lick #1).10th to 15th frets
click the image above to enlarge full-screen
Next, we'll re-organize the "lick one" melodic guitar line down the neck using the exact same notes. But this time, I'll show you how to perform this part between the 5th to 10th frets. Here's how it sits on the neck in this "5th to 10th" region.
Lick #2).5th to 10th frets
click the image above to enlarge full-screen
As you are starting to realize, this type of work is absolutely fantastic for not only getting better at understanding how notes and licks are sitting on the neck. But, by doing this type of work, you'll start getting a better handle on how to control where you choose to play a guitar part.
Rather than being stuck /locked into performing a guitar part in only one location, (generally, that's quite often the location that you first learned the idea in), you can re-locate guitar ideas anywhere along the fingerboard.
But, we're not finished yet, this guitar lick that we're jammin' on can still be played in one more fretting area. That would be between the open to 5th fret region.
Lick #3). Open to 5th fret region
click the image above to enlarge full-screen
This idea (of learning licks and melody lines across the guitar fingerboard in a "5-fret span"), is an excellent approach for getting your chord progressions and melody lines to function in more than just one playing region.
Plus, this "regional approach on the neck" is also excellent for determining more than one fretting area for any given guitar part. The only drawback might be if you haven't ever studied scales on the neck.
If that is the case, you'll need to spend some time learning the patterns for scales on the fingerboard, (so you can comprehend how scales function across multiple fret-board regions).
Once you learn these principles, (and you're able to perform parts in these three areas), you'll have an excellent level of control for playing guitar ideas anyplace on the neck. Especially when it comes to performing improvised guitar solos!
Thanks for joining me, If you'd like to Find Out What You Should Learn Next on Guitar - take a look at the courses over on my website at
My step-by-step; Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced courses will cover what you need to know, along with how to be able to move forward and become the best player that you can be.
I've worked on these courses since 1992 and I feel that all together they're the best guitar program that you'll ever find. The courses will help you learn to identify what's required to get you up to the next level of guitar playing, in a very organized way, that makes sense.
I look forward to helping you further at ...Until next time - take care and we'll catch up again on the next lesson post. Bye for now!
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