GUITAR SOLOING 020: REVIEW Tying it All Together
March 02, 2018:
Lesson 020 - REVIEW Tying it All Together
The lesson plans of "Guitar Soloing" have covered a lot of information. In the final review, I've summarized a collection of some of the most important topics.
These topics will range from the construction of solos, how solos are phrased, dealing with altered harmony and navigating the neck.
Eight examples break down the critical topics that you can continue to focus on into the future.
Study the licks and runs that I've included in all of the examples. The concepts provided in this final lesson will help you carry on with the study of soloing so that you continue to get better at phrasing your lines...
Join the member's area to download the PDF handout and study all of the examples. Be sure to spend time on learning the guitar solo I performed at the start of the lesson in the "Part One" video...
Watch the Part One Video FREE on YouTube:

Lesson 020 - REVIEW Tying it All Together
These topics will range from the construction of solos, how solos are phrased, dealing with altered harmony and navigating the neck.
Eight examples break down the critical topics that you can continue to focus on into the future.
Study the licks and runs that I've included in all of the examples. The concepts provided in this final lesson will help you carry on with the study of soloing so that you continue to get better at phrasing your lines...
Join the member's area to download the PDF handout and study all of the examples. Be sure to spend time on learning the guitar solo I performed at the start of the lesson in the "Part One" video...
Watch the Part One Video FREE on YouTube:
PART ONE: In example one, our focus is based upon line building concepts for better phrasing. Rhythmic feel is the principle direction of these examples and two melodic segments in the key of "C Major" are shown as demonstrations.
Example two explores the aspect of playing in different neck locations and combines that concept with altering lines based upon changes to a chords quality (altering the harmony of a melodic statement).
Example two explores the aspect of playing in different neck locations and combines that concept with altering lines based upon changes to a chords quality (altering the harmony of a melodic statement).
In example three, the style of Blues phrasing is focused on to help players tune into one of the most popular genres used by the guitar soloist.
NOTE: Across the many years of playing solos that lie ahead, a good deal of situations will arise where the ability to perform solos in the Blues context will be of great importance. For this reason, it is critical that the Blues style becomes well known.
Example four, wraps up our lesson plan review with a focus upon the coverage of "Outside" tones. This situation will only be required during a solo to cover the appearance of any chord types that end up leaving the underlying harmony (key signature), of the chord progression.
NOTE: Across the many years of playing solos that lie ahead, a good deal of situations will arise where the ability to perform solos in the Blues context will be of great importance. For this reason, it is critical that the Blues style becomes well known.
Example four, wraps up our lesson plan review with a focus upon the coverage of "Outside" tones. This situation will only be required during a solo to cover the appearance of any chord types that end up leaving the underlying harmony (key signature), of the chord progression.
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Paid members can download the handout along with the MP3 jamtrack in the members area at:
Guitar Chords | F Chord | Guitar Notes | G Chord | C Chord | D Chord | Guitar String Notes