Rock Blues Groove (Riffs Lesson)
Rock Blues Groove (Riffs Lesson)
Example two shifts our rhythmic focus over to the straight-time feel. A straight 8th's Blues-Rock riff (based over a "Rock Boogie" groove in the key of "D"), opens up the opportunity for a harder edged Rock format in example 2a. Similar to how we had studied the part from example one, our riff for example two also includes a follow-up groove (see example 2b). In this sections follow up groove, rather than directly copy over the initial riff to our IV-chord, our supplemental version introduces the IV-chord using a more complimentary approach.

In example four, we shift gears into a heavier rock feel and cross over to a less common key signature. Our heavy rock straight time riff is based within "Ab Minor." It provides a style reminiscent of groups like "Ten Years After," or "Bad Company." This harder edge groove also adds in a number of interesting filler licks with additional two-note chord concepts.
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