COMPOSING: "Drop D" Guitar Riffs
"Drop D" Guitar Riffs
In the second example our tonality shifts into the major key with a "Ballad" riff built from the tones of the "D Major" key center. Example two applies three chords from the key's harmony. Plus, the progression adds a 6th extension on the "G major" chord as well as, a suspended 4th on the key's tonic chord of "D." The tonic also appears as a 1st inversion of "D/F#" acting as a voice leading component for the arrival of the VI-chord (G major).

In example four, the "D Mixolydian" Mode harmony is applied across our 6th string Drop "D" tuning to produce a Major /Blues progression using the Mixolydian sound. The scales minor 7th (C) is combined with Mixolydians major 3rd (F#) to implement the full impression of Mixolydian. An interesting collection of chords including; Dominant 9, Minor 6, 6th sus2, and Minor 7 all work together to compliment Mixolydian's character.
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