Posted by Andrew Wasson
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
In this rhythm guitar series video lesson I explain the use of two-note chords, (known as Double-Stops & also sometimes called Dyads), and I discuss how to combine them with single note melody lines to create interesting supplemental guitar parts.
This approach is great if you are a second or third guitarist in a band or if you are doing recording...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
In this video lesson I explain how advanced beginner's and intermediate students alike can develop a straight forward arrangement of the classic Christmas carol, "God Bless Ye Merry Gentleman."
For a FREE chart and further information please follow the link below to my website:
God Bless Ye Merry Gentle...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Part One of this video lesson covers the basics of quarter-note and eighth-note rhythms. The focus is simple strum patterns. Part two of this Rhythm Guitar Series (available off of the Creative Guitar Studio website), examines syncopation and anticipation in rhythmic feel. If these terms are unfamiliar to you; Syncopation is the accenting of weaker...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Sunday, December 13, 2009
The famous Christmas Carol, "Deck the Halls."
In this video lesson Andrew explains how advanced beginner's and intermediate students alike can develop a straight forward arrangement of the classic Christmas carol, "Deck the Halls."
The Tab for this lesson is available on our website, just follow the link below:
Deck the Halls - Christmas Carol...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Developing Lines for the II, V, I Progression:
Lines can be established for this series of chord changes based upon either scales or arpeggios.
The II chord in Major key jazz turnarounds is "Minor 7th." The V chord is "Dominant 7th." By performing the Dorian Mode off of the root of the two-chord we can achieve a solid selection of tones...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Friday, December 4, 2009
Andrew Wasson of Creative Guitar Studio discusses the famous carol, "O Christmas Tree."
In this video lesson Andrew explains how advanced beginner's and intermediate students alike can develop a straight forward arrangement of the classic Christmas carol, "O Christmas Tre...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Analysis of the II V I Progression:
The chord movement known as the; "two," "five," "one," is by far the most popular jazz chord movement out there. Most of the jazz standards contain this cycle of chords. It's popularity is on the same level as the 12-Bar Blues set of chord changes.
To fully understand this concept we must develop a firm grasp...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Christmas Carol Guitar Lesson with Andrew Wasson from Creative Guitar Studio.
In this video lesson Andrew explains how advanced beginner's and intermediate students alike can develop a straight forward arrangement of the classic Christmas carol, "Silent Night."
Get the Tab for this lesson on our website:
Creative Guitar Studio Christmas Silent...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Slide guitar playing is a great way to introduce a very hip tone into your style. Whether you choose a glass or metal slide, the color of this sound is something that can't be overlooked. Often at Creative Guitar Studio student's will ask which slide they should begin with; i.e., glass or metal. It is a decision that lies with the player. Both have...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Friday, November 20, 2009
The scale structure and harmonic analysis of the Lydian Mode:
Lydian is a seven tone scale found by creating tonic from the basic major scales' fourth degree. The result when analyzed, is a major tonality scale with a raised 4th step.
The 4th degree acts to produce a good deal of unstability in the scales structure. This can result...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
This week a viewer has a question about string bending technique...
"I looked through all of your videos and could not find one about bending. Id like to see you do a video all about bending technique."
Doug - San Diego, CA. U.S.A.
Bending guitar strings with excellent technique, style and accuracy involves work on three important...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Friday, November 13, 2009
In this second follow-up video to, "Music Theory: Chord Inversions," we will examine the actual use of inversions. This concept is generally reffered to as, "Voice Leading."
VOICE LEADING is the study of smooth chord connection and melodic bass lines. It is called voice leading, due to the fact that, just as in music for the voice, the individual...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
There are five important concepts involving the proper learning of chord inversions, they are;
1). VOICING: The arrangement of the notes of a chord in vertical order above the bass note.
2). CHORD INVERSION: Voicing a chord tone other than the root in the bass.
a). ROOT POSITION: The voicing of a chord with...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Friday, November 6, 2009
Andrew Wasson of Creative Guitar goes over the two-hand tapping guitar technique. Tapping usually incorporates pull-offs or hammer-ons, where the fingers of the fretting hand will play a sequence of notes in synchronization with the other hand (tapping hand).
The technique is often associated with Eddie Van Halen and his songs "Erruption" and "Hot...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Andrew Wasson from Creative Guitar Studio walks viewers through the removal and replacement of the strings on an acoustic steel string guitar.
Necessary Workshop products Include the Following:
Steel Wool & Woodwind Bore ...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Friday, October 30, 2009
This lesson will help guitarists new to the world of bass and beginner to intermediate bass players perfect better plucking hand technique.
Guest instructor, "Steve Silver," discusses practice exercises for alternate finger picking development, double-stop and chord playing, as well as, Slap/Pop bass technique in the style of Victor Woot...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
In this video Andrew examines the solo composition concepts that can help guitarists create solid guitar solo sections in their songs.
To download a FREE jam-track of this songwriting example song's solo section, please follow the link below:
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Friday, October 23, 2009
This lesson continues our songwriting series covering the analysis of various songwriting ideas used to create a typical pop/rock song.
In this video Andrew examines the scales that can help create strong melody lines for vocals or instrumental use.
To download an MP3 Jam Track for practicing the construction of your melodies, follow the link ...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
This video begins a three part series covering the analysis of various songwriting ideas used to create a pop/rock song.
The example piece was written by Andrew for the instructional series and contains several sections in it's layout.
In this video Andrew examines the songs key signature, use of harmony and the layout of harmony through the various...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Saturday, October 17, 2009
To Download the FREE jamtrack and Powertab file follow the link below:
The act of harmonizing a melody is not at all difficult to do once you are aware of a few basic concepts.
1). Guitar players will need to know their key signatures, as well as the notes found in scales...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
To download the Handout and a FREE MP3 Jam Track simply follow the link below:
How To Practice Scales:
STEP 1). I strongly suggest starting with a 4-5 day practice plan. Each day work on new keys and study the scales all over the fingerboard.
STEP 2)....
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Friday, October 9, 2009
When musicians talk of scales, or even a piece of music as being in a certain key; i.e., this song is in the key of, F Major... they are defining the key signature and tonality off of the tonic note, (the, tonic, is the key note of a scale), and the specific notes (and to a lesser extent the chords), found within the...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Andrew Wasson of Creative Guitar Studio answer's a viewers question...
"I'm bored of the chords I know. I started doing a little research on chords and I found out you could play any one chord all over the neck. Then, I ran into something called The, CAGED," system and for the life of me, I cannot find a video lesson that explains it thoroughly.
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Friday, October 2, 2009
Q: "I have played guitar for 3 years and strumming with a pick is all that I mainly do when it comes to the playing hand. I have tried strumming with my fingers but, I prefer a pick. I keep hearing of two techniques that do not make sense to me and none of my friends who play guitar around where I live know much about them, because they all do not...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Andrew Wasson of Creative Guitar Studio answers a viewers question...
From Mark: YouTuber; soblindwhobuddy
Q: "Would you be able to do a video on string skipping like the sweep picking video, (which I found incredibly helpful). I know there are other people with string skipping videos on you tube but the way you do your lessons, they always come...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Friday, September 25, 2009
Andrew answer's the question:
"I am totally stuck when it comes to improvising. I have spent a lot of time practicing scales and also learning about keys and Music Theory. I have also worked through several books that teach guitar licks all over the fingerboard. I have good technique, I have learnt how to play fast lines, tapping, sweep picking,...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
This video lesson will cover further analysis of the Dorian Mode. The focus of this video will be upon the appearance of non-functioning minor chor...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Friday, September 18, 2009
I have been asked to join a reggae band, but I have very little experience playing reggae guitar. I would like to know the following…
- What is the correct strum direction? Is it up or down, I’ve heard
differing opinions on this. Can you please clarify.
- When it comes to soloing what are the main scales that players
use in this style?
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Andrew Wasson of Creative Guitar Studio goes through his acoustic guitar rig in response to:
"I hope you can help me with my acoustic amplification. I have been playing amplified acoustic nylon string guitar at a few banquets and wedding ceremonies over this past summer. And, I have had poor results overall with amplifying my acoustic guitar. I...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Friday, September 11, 2009
Q: Can you give me a good idea of what is involved with learning to play jazz. I’ve read that there are common chord changes to jazz music and to get good at the style there are quite a number of chords to know. A video on what chords are important, as well as what chord progressions I can begin to practice would really help me a great deal.
- George
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Andrew answers this weekend's question about how to understand and practice relative pitch as well as the differences between Perfect Pitch and Relative Pitch...
Viewers Question:
Q: What is relative pitch - is it the same, or different than perfect pitch. Also, which one is best to learn as a guitarist and can you give any tips for practicing ear...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Friday, September 4, 2009
Andrew answers this week's question from off of his website about how to memorize scale degrees and modal ideas...
1). What, if any, is a logical, expeditious way of memorizing scales and their degrees for both soloing and playing chord progressions.
2). How do modes work with chord progressions?
3). How can you mix modes with scales to create...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Andrew discusses the principles of reading a notated melody from off of the music staff. Included topics covered in the lesson are; Clef sign, Key Signature sign, Time Signature symbol, Note layout, pitch relationship to the guitar, and fingerboard concepts involved in learning to read music notation (no tab) on guit...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Friday, August 28, 2009
The response from Andrew Wasson of Creative Guitar Studio to;
"I have just started playing in my first band and I feel that my rhythm guitar skills are weak. Can you offer me any suggestions for what I can practice on to help my rhythm guitar get better. I have a pretty good idea of the general rhythms in music, like; eighths, sixteenths and triplets,...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
The response from Andrew Wasson of Creative Guitar Studio to;
Was hoping that you could help me with the topic of Music Reading.
I have absolutely no understanding of reading music. So, I will just go over what I have been researching so far...
- Ive learned that music is read off of the Music Staff.
- The staff is composed of 5 lines and 4...