Learn the Notes on Your Guitar in 3 Days...

From scales, to soloing, to chord positions and progressions, knowing where each guitar note is (without having to think about it) will put you well ahead of other guitar players...  Learning the notes on your guitar fingerboard is one of the most important things you...

Secrets of the Guitar Masters: Developing Speed

For most guitarists speed playing is a mystery. When developing speed it can feel like it's some kind of talent bestowed only upon a few lucky ones: Paco De Lucia, Yngwie Malmsteen, John McLaughlin to name a few... At some point almost every guitar player becomes fascinated...

Using a Guitar Solo to Develop Scale Patterns

GuitarBlog: Using a Guitar Solo to Develop Scale Patterns Make your next solo a perfect guitar solo by studying an entirely  new perspective of how scales are applied over chord changes... One of the most frustrating (often confusing) areas for guitar players...

7 Basic Guitar Chords for Beginners...

If you are looking for easiest possible guitar chords for beginners, then these are the ones to start with... This lesson covers the most basic guitar chords for beginner players. These beginning guitar chords are the first ones every guitar player should learn. They are...

Players Who Made These 5 Guitar Techniques Famous

Certain musicians have experimented with new ways to make sounds never before heard on a guitar and that's what makes the instrument so versatile today... The guitar is something that has had various updates and reworks – but fundamentally, it’s really just the same as it’s...

4 Methods for Reaching the Creative Zone

GUITAR BLOG INSIDER... 4 Methods for Reaching the Creative Zone Creativity is important and reaching a state of mind where creativity can be easily attained is one of the most valuable skills of any artist...  The question we need to ask up-front is whether we...

Do You Need a Teacher or a Mentor?

While finding an amazing teacher who can double as a mentor sounds great in theory, finding someone who's actually willing to invest in you over a long period of time can be a real challenge, especially if you’re not that well-connected in the music industry to begin with...  One...