The One Barre Chord Trick Everyone Should Know About

This lesson explains how to expand your knowledge of one of the most important chord layouts used on the guitar... the “Barre” chord. Barre chord shapes are vital to us as guitar players because they open up the neck for many other chord types that are found in other keys. They allow us to play unique chords that are unavailable from within our first position chord set... 

If you require a chord type that contains an accidental like an, “F# Minor” or perhaps, “Bb Major” you’ll need to know how to use Barre Chords. The Barre Chords allow us access to chord names that use accidentals off of the root. This is not available from out open position set.

Once you get the basics of Barre Chords down, you’ll need to understand something called “Barre Chord Relationships.” This covers the concept of how the Barre Chords are laid out and applied musically on the neck of the guitar. Once you can comprehend "Barre Chord" Relationships you will be able to effectively use Barre Chords anyplace on the guitar.


If you’re unfamiliar with what Barre Chords are and how to make them you’re going to want to stop this video, and jump over to my popular YouTube lesson on how to make Barre Chords… It’s called, “Winning the Battle over Barre Chords.”

Winning the Battle over Barre Chords

If you're not familiar with Barre Chords, the above video is an excellent lesson to start on, because it covers the primary Barre Chord shapes and how to use them. When (or if you need to watch that video), (do so), then come back here and carry on with the next level of learning for these chord patterns on the guitar neck.

Now, let’s check out some guitar theory relating to how to use this important principle called; “Barre Chord Relationships”

Barre Chord Relationships work closely with the principle called the, "Three Chord Theory."

If you're unfamiliar with that concept, then watch my video, "The "HIDDEN SECRET" Within Thousands of Songs!"

The "HIDDEN SECRET" Within Thousands of Songs!

Barre Chord Relationship #1). Lower neck region, 5th string Root, with the 4th and 5th chords of the key based on the 6th guitar string…

Barre Chord Relationship #2). Middle of the neck region, 6th string Root, with the 4th and 5th chords of the key based upon the 5th guitar string…

This principle of, Barre Chord Relationships, gets used by guitar players all the time to play songs related to literally thousands of pieces across every style of music imaginable.

Once you know how to play Barre Chords, and you comprehend the “Three-Chord” Theory principle of music, you’ll be able to learn songs incredibly fast and you’ll know how to place those songs on the neck for any key signature using the versatility that only barre chords can offer you.

The best part is that you’ll be able to do it all in no time flat!

I also want to let you know about the guitar courses that I have over on my website at

The web-site has step-by-step; Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced courses that work alongside of in-depth elective programs to form the best guitar courses available.

My courses are fantastic for helping you learn to identify what's required to get you up to that next level of guitar playing, in a very organized step-by-step way, that totally makes sense.

So, I look forward to helping you further at my website;

Until next time, take care and we'll catch up again on the next lesson. Bye for now!



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