GUITAR TECHNIQUE 019: Note & Chord Vibrato
December 09, 2018:
GUITAR TECHNIQUE 019: Note and Chord Vibrato
NEW This unique Creative Guitar Studio course explores exercises for increasing dexterity and coordination between the hands. The goal of the course is to increase awareness, mobility and control.
Lesson 019 of Guitar Technique studies the technique and practical application of, "Note and Chord" vibrato technique.
Vibrato technique can be performed in several ways. Guitarist Eric Clapton uses a vibrato established from the elbow. Many of the Classical players such as Liona Boyd and Christopher Parkening, use a side to side vibrato. And, rock legend Angus Young (as well as the late great Jimi Hendrix), use the whole-hand vibrato.
This lesson plan focuses upon the whole-hand vibrato technique using several examples that will cover everything from vibrato control to adding vibrato within a melodic line. There are also examples of performing vibrato with multiple tones, (known as "chord vibrato").
The video lessons (along with the PDF handout), will help to clarify how note and chord vibrato techniques can be developed and then applied onto the guitar in several unique ways.
Parts one and two of the lesson will focus on learning to control hand vibrato as well as, learning how to apply vibrato to a melody line.
Parts three and four of the lesson will switch over to the use of vibrato performed over 2 and 3 note chords, as well as, the larger seventh quality chords.
Paying members of the Creative Guitar website can watch both video lessons and download the PDF handout...
Join the member's area to download the PDF handout and start study of these exercises. Study all of the examples with full access to both video lessons...
Watch the Part One Video FREE on YouTube:

GUITAR TECHNIQUE 019: Note and Chord Vibrato
Lesson 019 of Guitar Technique studies the technique and practical application of, "Note and Chord" vibrato technique.
Vibrato technique can be performed in several ways. Guitarist Eric Clapton uses a vibrato established from the elbow. Many of the Classical players such as Liona Boyd and Christopher Parkening, use a side to side vibrato. And, rock legend Angus Young (as well as the late great Jimi Hendrix), use the whole-hand vibrato.
This lesson plan focuses upon the whole-hand vibrato technique using several examples that will cover everything from vibrato control to adding vibrato within a melodic line. There are also examples of performing vibrato with multiple tones, (known as "chord vibrato").
The video lessons (along with the PDF handout), will help to clarify how note and chord vibrato techniques can be developed and then applied onto the guitar in several unique ways.
Parts one and two of the lesson will focus on learning to control hand vibrato as well as, learning how to apply vibrato to a melody line.
Parts three and four of the lesson will switch over to the use of vibrato performed over 2 and 3 note chords, as well as, the larger seventh quality chords.
Paying members of the Creative Guitar website can watch both video lessons and download the PDF handout...
Join the member's area to download the PDF handout and start study of these exercises. Study all of the examples with full access to both video lessons...
Watch the Part One Video FREE on YouTube:
PART ONE: (Free on YouTube)
Exercise one studies the similarity between the half-step waver and the standard vibrato.
PART TWO: Exercise two focuses on the use of vibrato within a melody line.
Exercise one studies the similarity between the half-step waver and the standard vibrato.

Exercise three adds tones. Deals with creating 2 and 3 note chord vibrato.
PART FOUR: Exercise four extends the use of vibrato out to larger seventh quality chord types.

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Paid members can download the handout in the members area at:
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