Discover the Most Beautiful Sound (Open "C" Tuning)

Looking for a BIG beautiful guitar sound from a unique open tuning? Hey, You're in Luck... Look no further than "Open C" tuning. Open "C" offers guitar players deep bass and colorful intervals that are perfect for creating lush harmony combined with rich melodic overtones... How...

Discover the Best Way to Practice Guitar Soloing

Do you have a comprehensive guitar soloing practice routine? Most guitar students don't. The Blues scale and Minor Pentatonic scale are often the "go to" scales for students of guitar soloing. And, these scales tend to hardly ever become expanded for the average guitar player....

GUITAR TECHNIQUE 020: Bottleneck Slide Guitar

December 23, 2018: GUITAR TECHNIQUE 020: GUITAR TECHNIQUE 020: Bottleneck Slide Guitar    NEW  This unique Creative Guitar Studio course  explores exercises for increasing dexterity and coordination between the hands. The goal of the course is to increase...

Are You a Guitar Player or a MUSICIAN?

WARNING: Hot Button Topic...  Most guitar players like to believe that they're "Musicians" but generally their skills are so poor when compared to highly trained musicians that upon meeting one, they will run through a whole range of emotions - many of them not so good... Back...

9 Ways Neglected Skills Can Destroy Your Soloing

In this post we’re talking about 9 ways that your soloing is wiping you out on the guitar... Are you having difficulties with gaining better skill when it comes to soloing? Does there seem to be the same collection of areas that never seem to improve? When these areas are understood...