Rock /Metal Guitar Licks: Perfect Inverted & Diminished 5th

GuitarBlog: Rock /Metal Guitar Licks: Perfect Inverted and Diminished 5th...

Rock and Metal will invert several intervals to create unique lines and phrases. These include many interval designs, but will focus on 5th's, 4th's and Octaves...  

This episode of the GuitarBlog explores the most popular intervals used in Rock and Metal guitar riffs.

This guitar style uses a large assortment of different types of licks and runs, and many of them share a common thread. It is the shared idea of 'Perfect' and 'Diminished' intervals, along with octaves. More specifically, the intervals of the 5th, 4th, octave and diminished (including variations). 

In rock, the fifth interval (better known as the "Perfect 5th" or by its nick-name the "Power Chord"), is one of the most predominant. This episode of the GuitarBlog covers all of these intervals including their creative use in the Rock /Metal style. Enjoy the lesson!

Rock /Metal Guitar Licks: Perfect Inverted / Diminished 5th

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