GUITAR TECHNIQUE 014: String Crossing & Skipping

September 30, 2018: GUITAR TECHNIQUE 014: String Crossing and Skipping    NEW  This unique Creative Guitar Studio course  explores exercises for increasing dexterity and coordination between the hands. The goal of the course is to increase awareness, mobility...

The 3 Best Guitar Rhythms to Study

One of the most important areas that a musician needs to develop is their sense of rhythm. Without great feel and solid groove music is weak and meaningless. It is common knowledge that a guitarist cannot play in a group (in a band) if they have bad timing. Master these three studies...

INSTANT ARPEGGIOS (Not Cheating if You Do This)

Arpeggios are not only performed as blistering stacked runs of a flurry of tapped or sweep picked notes. There's another "easy" approach to the use of arpeggios and it's called "Arpeggiating" chords... In this video, I’m going to teach you how to instantly perform arpeggios!...

The Guitar Scale of Your Dreams (is HERE)

A lot of beginner guitar students hope and dream of one day being able to play a guitar solo. Is that You? Are you struggling to find a good shape or pattern on the neck that will help you with playing lead guitar? If that's so, then this guitar lesson will be fantastic! Let me...

RHYTHM GUITAR 014: Pop & Contemporary Rhythms

September 21, 2018: RHYTHM GUITAR 014: Pop and Contemporary    NEW  The 14th lesson of "Rhythm Guitar" explores the popular groves and feel of pop and adult contemporary music. The lesson plan is organized around some of the most common rhythm styles used in all...