Lesson 003 - The Power of Recurring Melody
July 07, 2017:
Lesson 003 - The Power of Recurring Melody
PART ONE: In example one, we will make a study of an "AAAB," recurring formula in the key of "A Minor." The 3 time repeat of the "Part A" melody, (often called melodic ostinato) demonstrates the full effect of this technique by repeating three times over on the tonic chord. The "Part B" melody acts as a turnaround for either taking the idea out, or for behaving as a possible repeat opportunity.
Example two introduces the popular "ABAB" melodic formula in the key of "E Minor." This idea flips from part "A" to "B" measure by measure. The "Part A" statement occurs in measure one and three, with the "Part B" statement occurring on measures two and four. The flip from one to the other (bar by bar) pushes the melody along and anchors it in the listeners memory.

Of particular note in this example is how the rhythm punches are used off of the progressions, "Bb to F" major chords. When creating your own repeating melody lines, always consider the dynamic impact of the rhythm guitar part.
In example three, the formula switches to a slight variation of what we applied back in example one. The example three melody operates using an "AABA" formula in the key of "F Major." The principle statement occurs on measures one, two and four with the "B" part slipping in on measure three.
Of particular note in this example is how the rhythm punches are used off of the progressions, "Bb to F" major chords. When creating your own repeating melody lines, always consider the dynamic impact of the rhythm guitar part.
Paid members can download the handout along with the MP3 jamtrack in the members area at: CreativeGuitarStudio.com