Posted by Andrew Wasson
Friday, September 30, 2016

September 30, 2016:
Tasty Lead Fills for Chords
PART ONE: In part one we focus on the integration of lead-fills around double stop chord changes. The smaller two note double stops are easier to finger than larger chords and allow for quicker application...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Thursday, September 29, 2016

Courtesy of Anthony Cerullo...
You know that practicing every day is essential to developing new
skills, but alas, you still let bad habits take control of you.
The brain is a complex organ – the most complex, in fact. As important and complex as it may be, though,...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Courtesy of Guitar World...
Here's one MUST LISTEN isolated guitar recording for you... Eddie Van Halen's live off the studio floor recording of "Hot For Teacher"
“I winged that one,” Eddie told Guitar World several years ago. “If you listen to it, the timing changes...
Posted by Andrew Wasson

Courtesy of Anthony Cerullo...
Can you guess the top tricks for performing an amazing guitar solo?
A day in the life of a practicing musician involves a lot of repetition. Whether it's playing the same city over and over again, promoting your music to your fans every...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Courtesy of Jesse Sterling Harrison...
For all the talk about how “tone comes from the fingers,” amplifiers are still critical. Just ask any musician who’s been told, “You have to use our back-line to cut down on soundchecks. Don’t worry – our gear sounds great!”
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Monday, September 26, 2016

Courtesy of Jesse Sterling Harrison...
Maybe you’ve spent hundreds of hours in the same room, rehearsing your material. Perhaps you’ve performed dozens of times, on different stages, using the same gear. You’re used to your sound. You like it. But now you’re in the studio...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Sunday, September 25, 2016

**NEW** Stage I - Project Lesson Three...
Lesson three, of Advanced Stage One, is now posted in the Creative Guitar Studio members area. Over 2 ½ hours of video covering the wrap-up of the...
Posted by Andrew Wasson

GuitarBlog: Composing Minor-key Chord Progressions...
This GuitarBlog episode explains a few of the most popular methods used in contemporary music to compose minor key chord progressions...
Since Minor Keys are one of the most popular tonalities used today,...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Friday, September 23, 2016

Courtesy of Music Radar...
Deep Purple and Flying Colors man reflects on 50 years of guitar playing...
At the end of every gig, Steve Morse mentally awards himself a grade for his guitar playing. The show captured on the latest live release by Flying Colors, he tells...