Figure it Out Friday's: Lesson 005 - Part Two

Figure it Out Friday's: Lesson 005 - Part Two Welcome to, "Figure it Out Fridays: Lesson 005 - Part Two," Ear Training Guitar Lesson.  Here's the Answer Key for, "Figure it Out Fridays," Ear Training Lesson 005. In this series, we study how to transcribe a new guitar...

5 Tips for Memorizing Any Piece of Music...

Courtesy of Elyadeen Anbar Memorizing music is invaluable in the eternal quest of learning and growth as a musician... From strengthening your ears to widening your understanding of composition and song structure to recognizing common musical patterns, there's no quicker...

5 Life Lessons You Can Learn From Playing Guitar...

Courtesy of Mark Manson What we choose to do with our time determines the lessons that inform our lives and values. And, believe it or not, playing guitar can offer us a lot of lessons for life... If you're reading this then there's a really good chance that back in high...

5 Things that will Destroy Your Music Career...

Courtesy of Hugh McIntyre There are plenty of articles with suggestions about how to be more productive, more successful, and with tips on how to become the person you want to be... but what about the things you need to stop doing?  Musicians, recording artists, song-writers...

Figure it Out Fridays: Lesson 005 - Part One

Figure it Out Fridays: Lesson 005 - Part One Welcome to, "Figure it Out Fridays - Lesson 005," the unique Ear Training Guitar Lesson on YouTube.  The focus of these lessons will be to study how to transcribe, (learn by ear), a new guitar melody or a chord progression...

4 Strategies to Improve Your Practice Sessions...

Courtesy of Liam Duncan When I first started to take practicing seriously, I was intimidated by my peers who claimed to practice nine hours a day, or wake up at 5:00 a.m. and practice until noon...  When I sat down with the intention to practice for six-plus hours,...

PRINCE - Guitar Style

GuitarBlog: PRINCE - Guitar Style... This week on the GuitarBlog I discuss the rhythm and lead guitar style of Prince.  Prince was a really solid musician, he was a great songwriter, a great music businessman, and most importantly, he was someone who...

Figure it Out Fridays: Lesson 004 - Part Two

Figure it Out Friday's: Lesson 004 - Part Two Welcome to, "Figure it Out Fridays: Lesson 004 - Part Two," Ear Training Guitar Lesson.  Here's the Answer Key for, "Figure it Out Fridays," Ear Training Lesson 004. In this series, we study how to transcribe a new...

5 Strange Tones for Your Guitar...

Courtesy of Jesse Sterling Harrison Guitar sounds that make you stand up and ask, "What the heck is that?" Whether you’re a guitarist, a trumpeter, or just a passionate listener, you’ve probably noticed some iconic, instantly recognizable sounds that crop up over and over....

4 Concepts to Help Improve Your Creativity...

Courtesy of Jesse Sterling Harrison Reach your creative peak, and understand yourself better as a maker of art... If you’re a songwriter, (or if you reside anywhere else in the creative world), you’ve probably noticed some type of creative cycle in yourself. That cycle...

Figure it Out Fridays: Lesson 004 - Part One

Figure it Out Fridays: Lesson 004 - Part One Welcome to, "Figure it Out Fridays - Lesson 004," the unique Ear Training Guitar Lesson on YouTube.  The focus of these lessons will be to study how to transcribe, (learn by ear), a new guitar melody or a chord progression...

9 Signs You're Doing Better Than You Think at Playing Guitar...

Courtesy of Max Monahan Are you concerned that your guitar playing isn't exactly taking off just like you'd hoped? No two success stories are the same, and it can be discouraging – and altogether unnecessary – to hold yourself to an unrealistic standard...  Take...