25 Things Every Guitarist Should Know...

Guitar World contributor Askold Buk spent quite a lot of time assembling this hard-nosed list titled, "25 Things Every Guitarist Should Know." #1 on the list (for an instant reality check) is, " Nobody likes an asshole." Other tips include, "Be on time," (this one is so important and the true gauge of a pro-musician - in my books). Also, #17 "Learn as many melodies as you can," is one that I'm always stressing with my private students, who seem to (for some odd reason) fight it tooth & nail.

From the article...

Many people believe that possessing talent alone is enough to guarantee an artist success in the music business. Nothing could be further from the truth. In a perfect world, the best musicians — the best guitarists — would be amply rewarded for their abilities. The music business, however, is far from perfect.

And unless you're one of the blessed few (such as Eddie Van Halen) who can single-handedly change the course of guitar history, the harsh reality is that killer chops and perfect time impress only other guitarists, not the people who hire you or buy the records.