Lydian Mode: Part 1 - Harmony Analysis

The scale structure and harmonic analysis of the Lydian Mode: LYDIAN MODE: Lydian is a seven tone scale found by creating tonic from the basic major scales' fourth degree. The result when analyzed, is a major tonality scale with a raised 4th step. The 4th degree acts to produce a good deal of unstability in the scales structure. This can result...

Guitar String Bending Technique

This week a viewer has a question about string bending technique... "I looked through all of your videos and could not find one about bending. Id like to see you do a video all about bending technique." Thanks, Doug - San Diego, CA. U.S.A. Bending guitar strings with excellent technique, style and accuracy involves work on three important...

Guitar Theory: Voice Leading & Chord Inversions - Part 2

In this second follow-up video to, "Music Theory: Chord Inversions," we will examine the actual use of inversions. This concept is generally reffered to as, "Voice Leading." VOICE LEADING is the study of smooth chord connection and melodic bass lines. It is called voice leading, due to the fact that, just as in music for the voice, the individual...

Music Theory: Chord Inversions - Part 1

There are five important concepts involving the proper learning of chord inversions, they are; 1). VOICING: The arrangement of the notes of a chord in vertical order above the bass note. 2). CHORD INVERSION: Voicing a chord tone other than the root in the bass. 3). INVERSION POSITION:    a). ROOT POSITION: The voicing of a chord with...

Tapping Guitar Technique (Two-Hand)

Andrew Wasson of Creative Guitar goes over the two-hand tapping guitar technique. Tapping usually incorporates pull-offs or hammer-ons, where the fingers of the fretting hand will play a sequence of notes in synchronization with the other hand (tapping hand). The technique is often associated with Eddie Van Halen and his songs "Erruption" and "Hot...

Restringing an Acoustic Guitar

Andrew Wasson from Creative Guitar Studio walks viewers through the removal and replacement of the strings on an acoustic steel string guitar. Necessary Workshop products Include the Following: Steel Wool & Woodwind Bore ...