GUITAR TECHNIQUE 007: Hybrid Plucking (Pick & Fingers)
June 24, 2018:
Hybrid Plucking (Pick and Fingers)
NEW This unique Creative Guitar Studio course explores exercises for increasing dexterity and coordination between the hands. The goal of the course is to increase awareness, mobility and control.
Lesson 007 of Guitar Technique includes seven examples designed to both introduce and further develop the use of "Hybrid Plucking" technique.
The exercises run through how to start into incorporating the Hybrid technique beginning with two and three string formated riffs.
The studies expand to include four strings along with several different rhythmic concepts. Things wrap-up with an exercise that combines Hybrid plucking chords alongside of single note line phrases.
Paying members of the Creative Guitar website can watch both video lessons and download the PDF handouts, and the MP3 play along tracks...
Join the member's area to download the PDF handout and start study of these exercises. Study all of the examples with full access to both video lessons...
Watch the Part One Video FREE on YouTube:

Hybrid Plucking (Pick and Fingers)
Lesson 007 of Guitar Technique includes seven examples designed to both introduce and further develop the use of "Hybrid Plucking" technique.
The exercises run through how to start into incorporating the Hybrid technique beginning with two and three string formated riffs.
The studies expand to include four strings along with several different rhythmic concepts. Things wrap-up with an exercise that combines Hybrid plucking chords alongside of single note line phrases.
Paying members of the Creative Guitar website can watch both video lessons and download the PDF handouts, and the MP3 play along tracks...
Join the member's area to download the PDF handout and start study of these exercises. Study all of the examples with full access to both video lessons...
Watch the Part One Video FREE on YouTube:
PART ONE: Example 1a, introduces a two string chord riff (dyad riff) in the key of "G Major." Use the pick and middle finger to pluck these tones together. The drill in exercise 1b, incorporates triads as Hybrid plucked three-note chords built between the 4th to 2nd strings. .
PART TWO: Example two studies the techniques and method for Hybrid plucking four-tone chords. The examples that are shown are in the key of "A Minor." Both exercises operate within a triple-meter time signature of 6/8.
PART TWO: Example two studies the techniques and method for Hybrid plucking four-tone chords. The examples that are shown are in the key of "A Minor." Both exercises operate within a triple-meter time signature of 6/8.
Exercise three applies the Hybrid picking technique to the lower five strings, (6th, 5th, 4th, 3rd, and 2nd). Bass tones are highlighted in this study. The pick provides increased dynamics so that the lowest chord tones are more pronounced across the riff.
PART FOUR: Exercise four works on the integration of Hybrid plucking chord ideas alongside an application of intervals and scale runs. The key of "G Major" exercise contains chord punches that are followed by single-note lines and scattered intervals.
PART FOUR: Exercise four works on the integration of Hybrid plucking chord ideas alongside an application of intervals and scale runs. The key of "G Major" exercise contains chord punches that are followed by single-note lines and scattered intervals.
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Paid members can download the handout in the members area at:
Guitar Chords | F Chord | Guitar Notes | G Chord | C Chord | D Chord | Guitar String Notes