GUITAR TECHNIQUE 006: Accuracy Drills for Perfect Picking
June 10, 2018:
Accuracy Drills for Perfect Picking
NEW This unique Creative Guitar Studio course explores exercises for increasing dexterity and coordination between the hands. The goal of the course is to increase awareness, mobility and control.
Lesson six of Guitar Technique offers a group of studies to the student that can be memorized then pushed to faster and faster tempos using a metronome. If practiced diligently, the results to your overall playing skills will be fantastic.
Part one and part two of the lesson offer drills for picking through parallel string groups, (two, three and four string groupings). Then in parts three and four of the lesson, the drills begin working across all six guitar strings laterally using Major 7 and Minor 7 arpeggios.
Paying members of the Creative Guitar website can watch both video lessons and download the PDF handouts, and the MP3 play along tracks...
Join the member's area to download the PDF handout and start study of these exercises. Study all of the examples with full access to both video lessons...
Watch the Part One Video FREE on YouTube:

Accuracy Drills for Perfect Picking
Lesson six of Guitar Technique offers a group of studies to the student that can be memorized then pushed to faster and faster tempos using a metronome. If practiced diligently, the results to your overall playing skills will be fantastic.
Part one and part two of the lesson offer drills for picking through parallel string groups, (two, three and four string groupings). Then in parts three and four of the lesson, the drills begin working across all six guitar strings laterally using Major 7 and Minor 7 arpeggios.
Paying members of the Creative Guitar website can watch both video lessons and download the PDF handouts, and the MP3 play along tracks...
Join the member's area to download the PDF handout and start study of these exercises. Study all of the examples with full access to both video lessons...
Watch the Part One Video FREE on YouTube:
PART ONE: Example 1a, applies an in position two string parallel picking drill using sixteenth-notes. Learn the drill as written in the TAB from your handout. Then, speed up the drill to faster tempos until the goal tempo is either reached or exceeded.
The drill in exercise 1b, applies another type of two string parallel drill that crosses over the string sets. This study is in 2/4 time and employs the feel of eighth-note triplets.
PART TWO: Example two expands the string group layout to include three and four string patterns.
The drill in exercise 2a, organizes a three string group of notes performed in 3/4 time using sixteenth-notes. The pattern is demonstrated from between the 6th to 4th string, but it should be re-located over to other three-string groups once the drill has become committed to memory.
The drill in example 2b, expands the string groups to include four strings from the 5th string to the 2nd. However, once this pattern is learned, it should be also transferred across the guitar strings to include other four-string groupings.
The drill in exercise 1b, applies another type of two string parallel drill that crosses over the string sets. This study is in 2/4 time and employs the feel of eighth-note triplets.
PART TWO: Example two expands the string group layout to include three and four string patterns.
The drill in exercise 2a, organizes a three string group of notes performed in 3/4 time using sixteenth-notes. The pattern is demonstrated from between the 6th to 4th string, but it should be re-located over to other three-string groups once the drill has become committed to memory.
The drill in example 2b, expands the string groups to include four strings from the 5th string to the 2nd. However, once this pattern is learned, it should be also transferred across the guitar strings to include other four-string groupings.
Exercise three demonstrates how the arpeggio tones of a "Gmaj7" arpeggio can be covered along and across the guitar neck in a way that includes the use of all six guitar strings and no slurs, (no; slides, hammer-ons, or pull-offs).
PART FOUR: Exercise four demonstrates how the arpeggio tones of an "Am7" arpeggio can be covered along and across the guitar neck in a way that includes the use of all six guitar strings as well as, slurs to connect the positions.
PART FOUR: Exercise four demonstrates how the arpeggio tones of an "Am7" arpeggio can be covered along and across the guitar neck in a way that includes the use of all six guitar strings as well as, slurs to connect the positions.
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Paid members can download the handout in the members area at:
Guitar Chords | F Chord | Guitar Notes | G Chord | C Chord | D Chord | Guitar String Notes