Lateral Scale Connections...
Once a few vertical in position scales are memorized, the next step is combining a couple of the "in-position" scale patterns. The overall idea is to consider how moving away from very vertical layouts (found in most of the guitar reference manuals) can offer us a greater span along the neck.
Having greater reach and the ability to stretch out the scale tones into further octave ranges can really help with our creation of melody and with our improvisation.
In example one, I have a typical "G Minor" scale shown in the third fringerboard position.
Next, let's explore how the following lateral scale pattern of the "G Minor" exists immediately up the neck from example one's pattern. Example two, (below), demonstrates the layout of "G Minor" in the fifth fingerboard position.
Now its time to experiment with creating a "Lateral Scale Connection" using these two adjacent scale patterns for the scale of "G Minor." Example three shows how a simple connection can be done allowing us to flow through the third position scale layout directly into the fifth position layout.
Now that we have this lateral scale connection, we can start; composing melodies, organizing different kinds of guitar licks (for use in improvisation) or we can use the connections for further practice of our scales, (perhaps for learning 3-note per string scales). Example four contains a "G Minor" scale guitar lick created using the connected scale layouts.
For more information about combining and connecting scales on the guitar neck, check out these video lessons: