Micro Lesson 015: "E Major" Triad Rhythm Riff

Welcome to... "Micro-Lesson 015"  This micro lesson teaches a Riff in the key of "E Major."  This Riff is organized around the harmony of the key of, "E Major." It uses the Tonic chord and the IV and V chords to push the groove...

It's Supposed to be All About The Music... Right?

Digital music sales have declined by as much as 14%, according to Apple's annual report filed with the SEC. iTunes music sales took a rather extreme dip over the past 12 months, according to Apple's latest regulatory filing. In an 88-page annual report, filed Monday with...

Micro Lesson 014: "F Minor 9" Arpeggio Lick

Welcome to... "Micro-Lesson 014"  This micro lesson teaches a Lick in the key of "F Minor."  This lick uses the framework of an "F Minor 7th" arpeggio. However, the interesting twist on the arpeggio's application comes at the...

Micro Lesson 013: "Bb Major" Soul /R&B Riff

Welcome to... "Micro-Lesson 013"  This micro lesson teaches a Riff in the key of "Bb Major."  This Riff uses the popular "I, VI, II, V," chord progression. This chord progression was popular in 1940's and 50's era jazz music, but...

Andy Aledort Lesson: Zeppelin, "Babe I'm Gonna Leave You"

In this video (from the vast Guitar World archives of song TAB's), long time Guitar World staffer and veteran transcriber "Andy Aledort" shows us how to properly play "Babe I'm Gonna Leave You," a track from Led Zeppelin's debut 1969 album.   Video Lesson: An...

Micro Lesson 012: "G Minor" Blues-Rock Lick

Welcome to... "Micro-Lesson 012"  This micro lesson teaches a lick in the key of "G Minor."  This lick is a fast-paced G Minor idea that flows through the G Minor Pentatonic, and the G Blues Scale. It's a very busy line, but yet...

Hard Rock Rhythm Guitar

When it comes to the rhythm guitar parts found in Hard Rock music, there aren't very many other styles that apply the rapid fretboard movements and those crunchy over-driven guitar tones that are found within this unique style of rhythm guitar playing. It goes without saying...

Micro Lesson 011: "A Mixolydian Riff"

Welcome to... "Micro-Lesson 011"  This micro lesson runs down a riff in the key of "D Major."  This riff operates around a really funky 16th-note groove that creates a push toward the V chord of "A Major" within the progression. Since...

Micro Lesson 010: "E Minor Guitar Lick"

Welcome to... "Micro-Lesson 010"  This micro lesson runs down a lick in the key of "E Minor."  This lick is charted out over a set of chord changes that reflects the harmony of "E Dorian" Mode (minor tonality) and functions using both,...

5 Ways Indie Artists Can Increase Music Monetization...

From the INgrooves newsletter. Today's music scene ain't what she used to be. Having a great band, playing a few gigs each week, and building a decent website are soooo 2003. Today's bands and artists need to fully realize the digital marketplace. Social media is only the...

Micro Lesson 009: "D Major Rhythmic /Melody Riff"

Welcome to... "Micro-Lesson 009"  This micro lesson runs down a Riff in the key of "D Major."  This riff operates with both chord strumming, as well as, using some scale oriented passing phrases as well. Micro Lesson 009: "D Major Rhythmic...

Iggy Pop: "I Can No Longer Make a Living as a Musician!"

Last week, music legend Iggy Pop gave a lecture for the BBC (British Broadcasting Corp.) called Free Music in a Capitalist Society.  Artists have always been ripped off by corporations, he said; now the public is in on the free ride, too: “The cat is out of the bag...

Adrian Galysh's - "Pentatonic Workout"

In this lesson, I’m going to run through a pentatonic scale workout that helps you get the five positions of the pentatonic scale memorized and under your fingers, increases left-hand strength, delivers some great-sounding sequences and even includes some string skipping.

MICRO LESSON 008: A Minor Smooth Jazz Melody

Welcome to"Micro-Lesson 008." This new video series runs Monday to Thursday on my GuitarBlog channel. Friday's lesson will be the weekly comprehensive class found on my other Creative Guitar Studio YouTube channel. Be sure to tune in on Sunday for the...

Howard Alden's 8 Secrets of Jazz Guitar...

Howard Alden is one of the greatest jazz guitarists working today. He learned his craft under the legendary Howard Roberts, and his jaw-dropping fretwork has graced everything from Hollywood soundtracks to duets with his mentor, seven-string pioneer George Van Eps. Here,...

Micro Lesson 007 - "B Minor & C Major" Arpeggio Lick

Welcome to"Micro-Lesson 007." This new video series runs Monday to Thursday on my GuitarBlog channel. Friday's lesson will be the weekly comprehensive class found on my other Creative Guitar Studio YouTube channel. Be sure to tune in on Sunday for the...