Posted by Andrew Wasson
Friday, September 25, 2009
Andrew answer's the question:
"I am totally stuck when it comes to improvising. I have spent a lot of time practicing scales and also learning about keys and Music Theory. I have also worked through several books that teach guitar licks all over the fingerboard. I have good technique, I have learnt how to play fast lines, tapping, sweep picking,...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
This video lesson will cover further analysis of the Dorian Mode. The focus of this video will be upon the appearance of non-functioning minor chor...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Friday, September 18, 2009
I have been asked to join a reggae band, but I have very little experience playing reggae guitar. I would like to know the following…
- What is the correct strum direction? Is it up or down, I’ve heard
differing opinions on this. Can you please clarify.
- When it comes to soloing what are the main scales that players
use in this style?
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Andrew Wasson of Creative Guitar Studio goes through his acoustic guitar rig in response to:
"I hope you can help me with my acoustic amplification. I have been playing amplified acoustic nylon string guitar at a few banquets and wedding ceremonies over this past summer. And, I have had poor results overall with amplifying my acoustic guitar. I...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Friday, September 11, 2009
Q: Can you give me a good idea of what is involved with learning to play jazz. I’ve read that there are common chord changes to jazz music and to get good at the style there are quite a number of chords to know. A video on what chords are important, as well as what chord progressions I can begin to practice would really help me a great deal.
- George
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Andrew answers this weekend's question about how to understand and practice relative pitch as well as the differences between Perfect Pitch and Relative Pitch...
Viewers Question:
Q: What is relative pitch - is it the same, or different than perfect pitch. Also, which one is best to learn as a guitarist and can you give any tips for practicing ear...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Friday, September 4, 2009
Andrew answers this week's question from off of his website about how to memorize scale degrees and modal ideas...
1). What, if any, is a logical, expeditious way of memorizing scales and their degrees for both soloing and playing chord progressions.
2). How do modes work with chord progressions?
3). How can you mix modes with scales to create...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Andrew discusses the principles of reading a notated melody from off of the music staff. Included topics covered in the lesson are; Clef sign, Key Signature sign, Time Signature symbol, Note layout, pitch relationship to the guitar, and fingerboard concepts involved in learning to read music notation (no tab) on guit...