3 Steps to TOTAL Fretboard Freedom (Works Every Time)

Want to get to the point of having total freedom across the fret-board then you'll need to start by avoiding the common mistakes that players make when training on guitar. Too often guitarists get stuck relying entirely upon the memorization of shapes, without ever learning about...

The "30 Day" Guitar Modes Workout

Are you ready for a Maximum MODES workout challenge that is suitable for every guitar player - no mater what level of skill? In this video, I’m going to show you my Max-Modes™ workout routine that you can do for 10 mins a day for the next 30 days straight! This workout...

The PERFECT Blues Scale!

If there was a "perfect" Blues Scale what would it consist of? Certainly it would have the primary chord tones of the key, (like the Root, Major 3rd, Perfect 5th and Minor 7th). But, it would also benefit from having other important color tones as well. Those additional tones would...