RHYTHM GUITAR 011: Jazz Rhythm Guitar
August 10, 2018:
Jazz Rhythm Guitar
NEW The eleventh lesson of "Rhythm Guitar" covers Jazz Rhythm Guitar. Examples of the most common jazz rhythms are introduced. Syncopation, and off-beat accents are the focus.
The lesson eleven material is organized around syncopated, (off-time) rhythm punches. The rhythms within this lesson will include the famous "Charleston" rhythm, and the "chained" dotted quarter-note feel. I've also set-up examples that utilize the single and double measure up-beat feel.
A bonus for BASIC and PREMIUM web-site members are the (9) MP3 play-along tracks that will help with learning each rhythm example.
Paid Web-site members (BASIC and PREMIUM), can watch the associated video lessons and download the detailed PDF handout, along with the MP3 clap /strum play-along tracks...
Join the member's area to download the PDF handout and MP3's. Study all of the examples with full access to both video lessons. Be sure to spend some additional time on learning the "Rhythm Jam Challenge" piece that I performed at the start of the lesson in the "Part One" video...
Watch the Part One Video FREE on YouTube:
Paid members can download the handout along with the MP3 jamtracks in the members area at: CreativeGuitarStudio.com
Jazz Rhythm Guitar
The lesson eleven material is organized around syncopated, (off-time) rhythm punches. The rhythms within this lesson will include the famous "Charleston" rhythm, and the "chained" dotted quarter-note feel. I've also set-up examples that utilize the single and double measure up-beat feel.
A bonus for BASIC and PREMIUM web-site members are the (9) MP3 play-along tracks that will help with learning each rhythm example.
Paid Web-site members (BASIC and PREMIUM), can watch the associated video lessons and download the detailed PDF handout, along with the MP3 clap /strum play-along tracks...
Join the member's area to download the PDF handout and MP3's. Study all of the examples with full access to both video lessons. Be sure to spend some additional time on learning the "Rhythm Jam Challenge" piece that I performed at the start of the lesson in the "Part One" video...
Watch the Part One Video FREE on YouTube:
PART ONE (free on YouTube): Example one focuses on the down-beat and up-beat (stress and accent) of one dotted quarter-note alongside of an eighth-note (played on the up-beat of two).
This groove is a repeating feel that applies a collection of popular jazz harmony chord changes off of major, minor and dominant seventh chords. An altered dominant 7th (b9) chord is also added in the progressions final measure for greater tension.
PART TWO: In example two, a series of dotted quarter-notes are the primary focus. The overall groove is a consistent syncopated feel that encompasses a recurring "beat and a half" of time.
This groove is a repeating feel that applies a collection of popular jazz harmony chord changes off of major, minor and dominant seventh chords. An altered dominant 7th (b9) chord is also added in the progressions final measure for greater tension.

In example three, a two-bar groove applies a mix of similar syncopated accents.
In measure one of this two-bar phrase, the attacks fall on the up-beats of 1 and 3. However, on measure two, the feel slightly changes with the first attack still occurring on the up-beat of one, but the second attack falls upon the down-beat of three.
PART FOUR: In example four, the up-beat jazz groove is simplified into a single-measure statement and targets the accent attacks upon beats "2 and 4."
The example four groove places emphasis upon the up-beat of each and every second and fourth beat. It is advised to strum downward or use the technique described in the video lesson as "Comping."
In measure one of this two-bar phrase, the attacks fall on the up-beats of 1 and 3. However, on measure two, the feel slightly changes with the first attack still occurring on the up-beat of one, but the second attack falls upon the down-beat of three.

The example four groove places emphasis upon the up-beat of each and every second and fourth beat. It is advised to strum downward or use the technique described in the video lesson as "Comping."
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