The BEST Guitar Exercise [feat. ENIGMATIC]

If you want to learn your neck better (and faster), plus quickly learn how to memorize any new or any unique scales that you come across ...and how scales will sit along the fingerboard, then this lesson post is for you... In this post we'll study how to plot a scale note...

Iron Out Your Neck Problems

Iron out your neck problems by studying how to re-locate melody patterns, lick and solos to other areas of the guitar fretboard. Seriously guys -  Nobody does this enough on guitar  ... A lot of times in our guitar playing life people (usually teachers) will tell...

The Guitar Style of Larry Carlton

This lesson post covers some of the unique playing ideas that legendary L.A. session guitarist “Larry Carlton,” has applied to create both his incredible playing style and his unique sound and tone...  If you’re not too familiar with Larry Carlton, he’s one of the most recorded...

RHYTHM GUITAR 012: Country Strum Patterns

August 24, 2018: RHYTHM GUITAR 012: Country Strum Patterns    NEW  The twelfth lesson of "Rhythm Guitar" covers Country Strum Patterns. Examples of the most common country guitar strums are introduced. Alternate bass notes and accent lines are the focus. The...

How to Rate Acoustic Guitars

Learn how to create your own "personal rating system" for acoustic guitars - so that what you end up playing /buying is right for you... Acoustics come in (2) two main types, the classical, and the steel-string acoustic. But, choosing a guitar will depend upon a number of...