This Deck of Cards Promises to Help You "Master the Guitar"
Courtesy of GuitarWorld Online...
The FretDeck guitar cards promises to help beginners and experienced players master the guitar in record time...
Another day, another product focused at making learning guitar easy, but this time, it's something a little different... a deck of cards.
Recently launched on Kick-starter, Fret-Deck aims to help all guitarists, from beginners to experienced players, "master the guitar in every single key".
There are three key cards for each key: one shows you basic chords, another how to learn and practice two scale patterns, and the third how to learn and master the notes across the fret-board.
The company is touting the cards as a standalone practice tool, as well as for use by guitar teachers in lessons.
Fret-Deck is up on Kick-starter right now, and pledging $20 gets you decked out.