How to Strum and Keep Better Time...

It's a common mistake for new guitar students to place too much initial focus on fretting the open chords. Guitar playing is a two handed endeavor and the laws of strumming are not to be ignored...  _____________________________________________________ The feel...

G Minor Double-Stop Licks [QwikLicks 018]

NEW: QwikLicks Series - Video (018) The latest QwikLicks video is, "G Minor Double-Stop Licks" Available in the FREE members area. Includes a PDF handout! QwikLicks are a FREE lesson series for all membership levels at Creative Guitar Lessons in the QwikLicks...

10 Tips To Better Guitar Technique...

Courtesy of Graeme Hague... Here are my top 10 tips for learning how to play the guitar with better technique. Some of them are kind of obvious, while others are the result of a lot of experience. I hope they help... 1. Avoid The Fret-Hand Death Grip When you first start...

6 Ways to Make Music (and Money) Without Performing...

Courtesy of Rachel Bresnahan /SonicBids... Playing in a club till 3 AM can be fun (at first), but once 15 years of that goes by, you may be ready for a change of scenery... Performing is something musicians do, but not all musicians like to perform. For those of us musicians...

Guitar Teacher from Hell

GUITAR BLOG INSIDER... Guitar Teacher from Hell Bad Guitar Teachers can be just horrible to deal with. Mean spirited and uninterested instructors can make your guitar learning experience a living nightmare. Learn how to spot awful guitar teachers and how to rid yourself...

WORKSHOP: Building Speed & Flexibility...

Courtesy of Ron Jackson... GUITAR WORKSHOP: Etudes to help develop your speed, finger independence, and flexibility... When I started playing acoustic guitar at age 11, my fret-hand fingers jumped off the fingerboard like grasshoppers, as speed and clarity evaded me. Then,...

Soloing with Lateral Pentatonic Scales

November 25, 2016: Soloing with Lateral Pentatonic Scales PART ONE: The first half of this MasterClass focuses on learning shapes that can connect different registers of the fingerboard with both Major and Minor Pentatonic scale patterns. Example one applies...

Fretboard Workshop: Guitar Technique Exercises

Courtesy of Premiere Guitar.. Build Your Chops and Learn New Exercises for Right and Left-Hand technique... Most of you probably have a set of technical exercises that you practice to improve your dexterity or just to warm up. It’s natural to dedicate some of your practice...

7 Tips to Lower Your Musical Struggles

Courtesy of Janelle Rogers... If you find yourself in that struggling artist category, and let’s face it, you’re probably in that majority, then I urge you to read on... Elizabeth Gilbert’s newest book, Big Magic, is a tough-love manifesto for the struggling artist. I read...

Play Blues Guitar Like Clapton, Page and Beck...

Courtesy of Music Radar... Learn how to play the licks of the classic English Blues /Rock guitar heroes: Clapton, Beck and Page...  An important lesson of music history is that nothing ever moves in a neat, linear fashion. One movement might largely lead to another,...