Posted by Andrew Wasson
Monday, October 31, 2016

Courtesy of Jordan Minor...
At first glance, Instrument 1 looks like a controller for some off-brand Guitar Hero clone. But, when you hold it you don't get the impression of any particular instrument...
For their first product, the makers at music technology company...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Sunday, October 30, 2016

Expanding Your Guitar Skill and Ability
Why do we so often become lazy guitar players, often giving up on many skills before we even get started at practicing them?
How come so many of us just sit around playing an old song or two that we've played...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Friday, October 28, 2016

Courtesy of Anthony Cerullo...
It's all too tempting to make musical comparisons. But if you're constantly comparing
yourself to other musicians (and bands) it can become unhealthy. In the long term, all it does is
breed resentment and create unwanted stress...
Posted by Andrew Wasson

October 27, 2016:
Easy Chord Tracking with Pentatonic Scales
PART ONE: In part one we work through two studies that track the Minor and Major chord types with the appropriate Pentatonic scale.
In example one, chords of "Am" and "Dm" are tracked with...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Thursday, October 27, 2016

Courtesy of Andrew Wasson...
Let's face it, we've all been there, acting like a lazy couch-slouch guitarist. Wasting time, doing nothing new with the instrument, feeling bored but yet not doing anything to push ourselves to the next level...
Why do we do this......
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Courtesy of Jhoni Jackson...
Guitar virtuoso Paul Gilbert appears in a recent episode of Ernie Ball’s acclaimed String Theory series to talk about his love of guitar, influences and choice of strings and gauges...
In the video, Gilbert plays his Kikusui Sake Ibanez...
Posted by Andrew Wasson

Courtesy of SonicBids...
What Kind of Musical Genius Are You?
Take This Quick Quiz to Find Out...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Courtesy of Rob Power (Music-Radar)...
Six-string life lessons that you absolutely need to learn...
Yes, we're talking about guitar teachers, and what they 'teach' - or rather, what they don't teach.
They take your money and teach you how to play, but then what?...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Monday, October 24, 2016

Courtesy of Jhoni Jackson...
Even musicians who truly love the craft can find themselves short on time for practice, songwriting, or playing gigs...
If you really care about something, you'll find a way to make time for it, right? Whoever believes that hasn't...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Sunday, October 23, 2016

GuitarBlog: Composing Melodic Minor Guitar Ideas...
Melodic Minor Guitar Parts can be a real challenge in the early days of learning this scale. It's layout combines the minor quality of the Natural Minor's lowered 3rd along-side the major 6th and 7th of the basic...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Friday, October 21, 2016

Good Guitar Player vs. Bad Guitar Player
Good guitar players have developed a series of traits that enable them to play extremely well. They understand exactly what it takes to be the best that they can be and they strive to achieve in every situation...
Posted by Andrew Wasson

Courtesy of Daniel Reifsnyder...
These types will suck the energy out of everything in their orbit, and for that reason alone every band-leader should try their best to avoid these types from ever becoming a band member...
You probably already know the types: beyond...