VIDEO: Introducing the "Ghost Pedal" Wireless Wah!

Recently, a group of students from Purdue University's School of Mechanical Engineering developed the Ghost Pedal, a wireless device that uses sensors attached to the guitar player's foot to create a wah effect — minus the physical pedal. "Because Ghost Pedal is wireless...

Music Streaming Is Booming, and That’s a Problem for Music Revenues...

It took a long time to get going, but streaming music is finally mainstream. It’s a business, too, generating more than $1 billion a year. That sounds like good news for the music labels, which have been waiting for digital music sales to replace the ones that disappeared...

What You Don't Know About Music Managers...

The following comes from music industry attorney Steve Gordon, author of the upcoming 4th Edition of The Future of the Music Business (more on the book at Managers have never played a more important role in the music business than today. ...

Iron Maiden Lego Video Goes Viral...

Rotehermi (YouTube username) made a video Lego version of Iron Maiden rocking out "Wicker Man" live, and yes, it's as awesome as it sounds. A few other metal titans have gone "Lego" in the past, but this clip might just be the best of the bunch. In case you couldn't...

Nigerian Singer Says Cut-off the Fingers of MP3 Pirates...

In a completely bizarre statement by a popular Nigerian singer (Stella Monye) she has suggested that extreme and drastic measurements are now required to control music piracy and to bring back the cash-flow to music artists for their recorded music royalties - she wants an...

Paul Gilbert demos DiMarzio PAF Master Pickups...

The Stone Pushing Uphill Man himself, the living legend Mr Paul Gilbert can be seen and heard in the video below demonstrating Dimarzio’s new PAF Master Humbuckers available in both bridge and neck versions. As you will see if you click on the link you can buy the PAF...

MUSIC RADAR: How to… Become a Guitar Tech...

By Music A roadie used to be the van-owning surly bloke at gigs with his ass crack out. These days, a guitar tech is a problem-solving, gear-knowing machine. They're the unsung heroes who keep your favourite bands' live shows ticking over. Teching is a viable...

Ultimate Guitar's Top-15 Songs for Beginner Guitarists...

Top-15 Best Starter Songs for Guitarists... Another Friday Ultimate Guitar list! If you caught this week's traditional Wednesday Question Ultimate Guitar asked it's web-site visitors to name the best beginner song for all the aspiring guitarists out there. Readers brought...

SoundCloud to start paying artists...

Artists will be able to choose which tracks the audio and display ads appear on... SoundCloud, the digital playground for many music fans and creators, says it will start paying artists and record labels for the first time by incorporating advertising and doling out royalties. The...

VIDEO: Check Out This 3D Printed Guitar!

As a professor of mechatronics at Massey University in Auckland, New Zealand, Olaf Diegel has used 3-D printers for more than 15 years to prototype new product ideas. However, 3-D printing technology has recently progressed to the level where Diegel realized he could use...

VIDEO: D'Addario Strings a Family Tradition...

Blood And Business: How D'Addario Fine-Tuned A Family Enterprise That Avoids The Drama... It’s no secret that blood is thicker than water. But family businesses can often find the ties that bind to be either a shot in the arm or a pain in the neck. (watch the Forbes Video...

The New The Yamaha THR10 Amp w/Philip Sayce...

In this video Philip Sayce demonstrates how the tiny Yamaha THR10 amp sounds when mic’d and run through a P.A. system. The video description also states that “While most modelling amps struggle to work well with effects in the front end, thanks to Yamaha’s VCM component...

Make Music, Not Categories...

By Juan Rodriguez, A Montreal Gazette article posted today has seriously questioned the need for musical styles... What do you think, should styles be completely eliminated and replaced by anonymous-sounding “music” played by anonymous players (or computers)?...

VIDEO: Pat Metheny to Use Orchestrion for His Summer Concerts...

A giant of the jazz world just keeps on innovating... PAT METHENY, one of the world’s leading jazz guitarists, has assembled a typically unusual band for his current tour. The five-man Unity Group could well be the only one on America’s summer concert circuit that peps...

Guitar Jokes from the 2014 Edinburgh Fringe Festival

From the Fringe... Great one-liners from the 2014 Edinburgh Fringe Festival “This bloke said to me: ‘I’m going to attack you with the neck of a guitar.’ I said: ‘Is that a fret?’” Tim Vine “I sold my guitar to a bloke with no arms recently. I asked him...

30 Years of Music Industry Change, In 30 Seconds...

US-based recordings. Data supplied by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA); animation created by Digital Music News. And here are individual images for each year… document.write('\x3Cscript type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="[COLORTWO]&format=PixOver&contentType=IMAGE_ONLY&enableSearch=y&usePopularSearches=n&freeShipping=n&topRatedSeller=n&itemsWithPayPal=n&descriptionSearch=n&showKwCatLink=n&excludeCatId=&excludeKeyword=&catId=619&disWithin=200&ctx=n&flashEnabled='...