Will Google Glass revolutionize the music industry?

Will Google Glass revolutionize the music industry?  According to early adopters of the wearable computer - such as French horn player Sarah Willis and hip-hop producer Young Guru - the odds are in the new technology's favor. Live concerts streamed through Google...

Metallica Plays Glasto: Makes Fox-Hunting Jab Video

Following probably the biggest controversy regarding any music festival headlining act we've see in a while, Metallica has finally played Glastonbury... But it wasn't just any set, as the band made sure to spice up the whole thing with a healthy dose of humor. Fox on the...

There's Probably Never Been A Worse Time To Be A Musician

The music industry isn't quite dead — it's merely completely unrecognizable from what it once was. The following chart from music industry analyst Mark Mulligan explains: Since 2000, overall global music revenues have declined just 3%, not exactly a cataclysm. But...

VIDEO: History of Louis Boutique Amplifiers...

Check out a new video about the history of Louis Electric Amplifiers, a respected New Jersey-based boutique maker of hand-wired guitar amps. Louis Electric has been building tube amplifiers since 1992. Since the very beginning, Louis Rosano has been building signature...

Ben Howard's 5 tips for Songwriters...

Ben Howard is one of those characters that's hard to dislike, regardless of how you feel about his music. Having started out in Falmouth's pub scene, he went from open mic nights to worldwide act by touring hard, keeping a level head, and utilizing a thoroughly unique approach...

Martin Andres Lesson – L.H Stretch & R.H Speed Coordination

Insert Advertising Ad-Code Here! Here's a tough couple of exercises from Martin Andres (of Pomegranate Tiger).  If you are not aware of his music it is pretty challenging progressive metal which relies on excellent technique to be able to play the various riffs and solos. The...

Joe Satriani: 'I Was the Luckiest Guitar Teacher Ever'

Guitar god Joe Satriani recently touched on the matter of his guitar teaching days, admitting that he considers himself very lucky for the opportunity to work with a vast array of future axe masters. Chatting with Rolling Stone, Joe was asked about what it was like to be...

VIDEO: Crews Prepare Huge Hard Rock Guitar for Installation...

Courtesy of Sioux City (ABC9 News) Work is underway on what's soon to be a Sioux City, Iowa USA landmark. The Hard Rock Casino guitar has landed in town and crews are preparing it to be hoisted up onto the roof. The iconic symbol is being built in two separate sections...

Own A Custom Alfa Romeo Guitar for Only $6,800...

Harrison Custom Guitar Works in the UK is now building handmade Alfa Romeo guitars! The Alfa guitar will cost $6,800 and only 11 will be built, representing each decade of Alfa's history.  All 11 will be made to order and they'll take about eight months to complete....

Dave Davidson: Using Mi7(b5) Chords in Metal...

Courtesy of Guitar World.com One of my prime objectives when writing music for my band Revocation is to try to push the envelope and come up with sounds, ideas, chord patterns, progressions and riffs that have been rarely explored within the thrash metal genre. A good...

Could Music Royalties Be The Next Big Investment Vehicle?

If you’re a 3 Doors Down fan and an accredited investor, then you might be intrigued by a new investment vehicle that lets you own royalties from the band’s popular songs. Just last week, the band’s producer put up for auction his royalty rights to 11 tracks. Starting at...

P.G. Rhythm Rules: Brian Setzer’s Rockabilly Antics...

Courtesy of PremierGuitar.com In recent columns we’ve been exploring unsung guitar heroes, so let’s switch things up a bit and investigate a modern master—the reigning king of rockabilly swing, Mr. Brian Setzer... Born in 1959, Setzer was drawn to music at a young age...

The music industry is still screwed: Why Spotify, Amazon and iTunes can’t save it...

Pandora, Spotify and Beats aren't making a profit... If they never do, your favorite band will need a day job! What if the future of streaming music is a bust? by Andrew Leonard at www.salon.com  On June 9, a musician named Michael St. James tapped into a deep...

VIDEO: Tommy Emmanuel Guitar Lesson "5 Tips"

Before the first of his three-night, sold-out concert at "BB King's" in new York City, Emmanuel sat down with MusicRadar to give a quick impromptu guitar lessons... Lesson One - Tuning: Lesson Two - Song Selection: Lesson Three - Arrangements:   Lesson...

VIDEO: Hilarious Marty Friedman Guitar Lesson...

I’ve often been associated with players that use specific picking techniques, such as sweep picking, economy picking, hybrid picking and so on. In truth, I have no idea what any of these terms mean. Sweep picking does not appeal to me at all. To my ears, it sounds like,...

VIDEO: Electro-Harmonix Unveils B9 Organ Machine Pedal...

Electro-Harmonix has introduced the B9 Organ Machine. From the company: With nine finely-tuned presets emulating the legendary organs of the Sixties and beyond, the B9 Organ Machine delivers definitive tonewheel and combo organ sounds. The B9’s layout is straight forward...

The Mozart Project...

The Mozart Project is a book about the life and music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Or is it an app?  Stephen Fry calls it "a completely new kind of book"...you read it in iBooks but it acts more like an app than anything. Over 200 pages of text by leading Mozart scholars...

VIDEO: Finger-Friendly Guitar Device for Beginners...

Keyboard overlay aims to take the pain out of learning to play guitar... Like many would-be six-string slingers, Don Bacon of Denver, Colorado, found getting started tougher than it looked. The discomfort experienced when pushing soft finger ends onto hard metal strings...

VIDEO: Folk Arrangement of Iron Maiden's 'The Trooper'

Finnish band Steve N' Seagulls (see what they did there) have upped the stakes in the unconventional metal covers game, after posting a Finnish folk arrangement of Iron Maiden's 1983 classic "The Trooper." The rendition features a unique arrangement incorporating; stand-up...