Slash to Release Horror Movie in October...
Slash's Debut Horror Movie 'Nothing to Fear' Due in October
Slash will release the first horror movie on his new production company Slasher Films this fall. "Nothing to Fear" was directed by Anthony Leonardi III, and will appear in selected theaters across the US on October 4. It's based on a real town in Kansas which, according to legend, is one of the seven gateways to Hell.
"It's a really good production team, the special effects people are great, the cast is great, the story's great - everything's great about it," he told the Pulse of Radio.
Slash will release the first horror movie on his new production company Slasher Films this fall. "Nothing to Fear" was directed by Anthony Leonardi III, and will appear in selected theaters across the US on October 4. It's based on a real town in Kansas which, according to legend, is one of the seven gateways to Hell.
"It's a really good production team, the special effects people are great, the cast is great, the story's great - everything's great about it," he told the Pulse of Radio.