Bass Guitar Lesson: Part 2

This lesson will help guitarists new to the world of bass and beginner to intermediate bass players perfect better plucking hand technique. Guest instructor, "Steve Silver," discusses practice exercises for alternate finger picking development, double-stop and chord playing, as well as, Slap/Pop bass technique in the style of Victor Woot...

Songwriting Series - Part 3

In this video Andrew examines the solo composition concepts that can help guitarists create solid guitar solo sections in their songs. To download a FREE jam-track of this songwriting example song's solo section, please follow the link below:

Songwriting Series - Part 2

This lesson continues our songwriting series covering the analysis of various songwriting ideas used to create a typical pop/rock song. In this video Andrew examines the scales that can help create strong melody lines for vocals or instrumental use. To download an MP3 Jam Track for practicing the construction of your melodies, follow the link ...

Songwriting Series - Part One

This video begins a three part series covering the analysis of various songwriting ideas used to create a pop/rock song. The example piece was written by Andrew for the instructional series and contains several sections in it's layout. In this video Andrew examines the songs key signature, use of harmony and the layout of harmony through the various...

Guitar Technique: Harmonized Melodic Lines

To Download the FREE jamtrack and Powertab file follow the link below: The act of harmonizing a melody is not at all difficult to do once you are aware of a few basic concepts. 1). Guitar players will need to know their key signatures, as well as the notes found in scales...

Guitar Technique: How to Practice Scales

To download the Handout and a FREE MP3 Jam Track simply follow the link below:   How To Practice Scales: STEP 1). I strongly suggest starting with a 4-5 day practice plan. Each day work on new keys and study the scales all over the fingerboard. STEP 2)....

MUSIC THEORY: Understanding Key Signatures

UNDERSTANDING KEY SIGNATURES: When musicians talk of scales, or even a piece of music as being in a certain key; i.e., this song is in the key of, F Major... they are defining the key signature and tonality off of the tonic note, (the, tonic, is the key note of a scale), and the specific notes (and to a lesser extent the chords), found within the...


Andrew Wasson of Creative Guitar Studio answer's a viewers question... "I'm bored of the chords I know. I started doing a little research on chords and I found out you could play any one chord all over the neck. Then, I ran into something called The, CAGED," system and for the life of me, I cannot find a video lesson that explains it thoroughly. I...

Comping & Hybrid Picking Rhythm Guitar Techniques

Q: "I have played guitar for 3 years and strumming with a pick is all that I mainly do when it comes to the playing hand. I have tried strumming with my fingers but, I prefer a pick. I keep hearing of two techniques that do not make sense to me and none of my friends who play guitar around where I live know much about them, because they all do not...

Guitar Technique: String Skipping

Andrew Wasson of Creative Guitar Studio answers a viewers question... From Mark: YouTuber; soblindwhobuddy Q: "Would you be able to do a video on string skipping like the sweep picking video, (which I found incredibly helpful). I know there are other people with string skipping videos on you tube but the way you do your lessons, they always come...