Why the Acoustic "F-Hole" Guitar Design?

Have you ever wondered why some guitars have acoustic, “F-Holes.” Do they actually serve any purpose? Are they only ornaments? Well, there's a study published by a group of acoustic scientists from MIT that set out to understand the business of the "F-Hole." In this post, we'll...

GUITAR TECHNIQUE 005: Mastering the Melodic Phrase

May 27, 2018: GUITAR TECHNIQUE 005: Mastering the Melodic Phrase    NEW  This unique Creative Guitar Studio course  explores exercises for increasing dexterity and coordination between the hands. The goal of the course is to increase awareness, mobility...

Are You Practicing Guitar Wrong?

Are you sitting the same way consistently with your guitar posture? If not, you're probably having difficulty mastering even the most basic of guitar techniques.  Sitting in the same way is critical to mastering techniques on guitar...  A lot of teachers will stress...

Natural Tension Tones for KILLER MELODY

Do you want to improve your melody lines and make them better so they have more connection to the underlying chords? In this lesson I’ll explain the use and the theory behind Natural Tension Tones. A simple concept that you can use right away to enhance chords within a ...

The Hockey Stick Guitar Chord Method

Are you interested in a fun and easy method for learning chord movement and interval concepts related to harmony and the guitar neck? Then look no further. This episode of the Guitar Blog Insider runs through an easy to understand method for doing chord movement analysis inside...