The Single Best Chord Tip I've Ever Used

I want to give you the single best tip I know of for getting better with playing chord shapes on the guitar. Especially for developing the ability to perfect the fretting hand application of the fingerings and then being able to move your chord fingering shape anywhere on the guitar...

ACOUSTIC GUITAR 019: Clawhammer Strum Technique

Acoustic Guitar 019:  Clawhammer Strum Technique... Clawhammer strum technique was originally a banjo strum method, however in the early 1930's Clawhammer was adopted to the guitar and ended up taking on a more serious role with guitarists of the era. Guitar players...

Connect the Neck...

Do you ever feel like you're getting bogged down when learning your scales by a lack of awareness for certain areas of the neck that exist "in between" the scale layouts that you know well, and those areas of the neck that you don't know as well? We could simply call those...

QwikRiffs #020: Hard Rock Riffs in "F Minor"

NEW: QwikRiffs Series - Video (020) The latest QwikRiffs video, Hard Rock Riffs in "F Minor" is available in the members area. Includes PDF handout! QwikRiffs are available to members at Creative Guitar Lessons in the QwikRiffs Series run through collections of...

Looper Practice for Better Phrasing...

This lesson discusses and demonstrates the benefits of practicing with a looper pedal for enhancing your overall feel and for developing better phrasing into the backing chords of progressions...  IMPORTANT: Before we get started, if you own a looper, but you're not all...

Chords that Fill Life with Inspiration...

Certain guitar players seem to be able to fit together chord progressions that offer a lot of inspiration. The sound of specific note combinations on the neck can resonate with a collection of intervals that while sounding simple enough, at the same time, these chord tone arrangements...