What's With All the "Is Guitar Dead" Chatter?

In case you haven't noticed everyone from the Wall Street Journal to YouTube Guitar Bloggers have been putting out posts this past week with regard to whether or not the guitar is dead...  In the last week of this month I've had emails, comment posts, and even telephone...

Open & Moveable Chord Riffs in "E Major"

NEW: QwikRiffs Series - Video (003) The latest QwikRiffs video, Open and Moveable Chord Riffs in "E Major" is available in the members area. Includes PDF handout! QwikRiffs are one of the new lesson series that are available to members at Creative Guitar Studio.com. Lessons...

Are You Stuck with Your Guitar Playing...?

At nearly every stage of the "guitar development cycle" students of the instrument can (and will) get stuck.  It can happen for many different reasons, but almost all guitar players will experience it on some level. This post will help you stay on top of your game and...

Finding Guitar Chords...

Saying that there are a lot of guitar chords is an understatement. When first learning to play guitar we generally start to learn the most basic chord patterns.  These will tend to be the chords found in the open position. Open chords are fairly easy to finger, there...

The Unique Groove of 7/8 Time...

Learning how to play in an odd-time signature can be a bit challenging at first. This is especially true if you’re only used to playing in 4/4. In this post we'll try a clapping exercise that will help you develop the feel for playing in 7/8 time signature, plus we'll run...

Lesson 002 - GUITAR SOLOING: Composing Your Way to Great Guitar Solos

June 23, 2017: Lesson 002 - Composing Your Way to Great Guitar Solos PART ONE:  In example one, we are making a study of how a melodic line can cover a common group of chord changes in the key of "C Minor." The progression is a harmony of "Im, VII, VI," using the...

How to Think Like a Guitar Virtuoso...

How does a guitarist go from strumming "G, D and A" chords to becoming a guitar wizard? What has to happen for a guitar player to make that leap from being an average beginner player to being a simply outstanding player? These are questions that every pre-teen discovering...

9 Steps to Guitar Success | The Wheel of Guitar Fortune

You can try to learn guitar using any number of random internet methods, or you could go through a local instructor. But, there is another approach... The truth is that music instruction can be a gamble. Especially if the teacher of method you choose either has no plan, or...

EAR TRAINING: From the Ear to the Fingerboard

Watching a musician who is able to improvise on the fly is quite incredible.  Obviously, this skill comes from being able to play the lines that they are hearing in their head. The ability to play what we hear is one of every musicians ultimate goals. But, HOW does...

Trick Yourself into Better Guitar Playing (Time Frames)...

Stop Wasting Away Your Valuable Guitar Practice Time! After all, there are only so many hours in each day. Make the most of them..! We've all sat down to practice the guitar and then this happens... We start out highly focused, but the next thing you know 20 minutes have...