Posted by Andrew Wasson
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

NEW: QwikRiffs Series - Video (001)
The latest QwikRiffs video, Two-Note Chord Riffs in "G Major" is available in the members area. Includes PDF handout!
QwikRiffs are a new lesson series available to members at Creative Guitar Lessons in the QwikRiffs Series...
Posted by Andrew Wasson

If you feel that your solos are getting a little bland, and you want to add a bit more color to your scale phrases why not try adding chromatic passing tones. The effect of these tones will not only help your solos, but they'll also beef up the sound of the harmony contained...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Tuesday, May 30, 2017

There's no Doubt that Learning the Guitar Fingerboard Will Make You a Better Guitar Player. From chord and scale function to comprehending the musical alphabet on the neck, your knowledge of the guitar fingerboard will be your ultimate long term key to success...
It's unfortunate,...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Monday, May 29, 2017

Seventh chords are fantastic sounding chord types that will appear in many different styles of music. There's no need to get confused with their names, they are all just derivatives of the basic major and minor sounds...
If you narrow your focus down to getting to know how...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Friday, May 26, 2017

Researchers have created a 'Bot Dylan' computer that is capable of writing its own folk music. The system uses artificial intelligence to compose new songs - after it was trained using 23,000 pieces of Irish folk music...
This allowed the machine to learn the patterns and...
Posted by Andrew Wasson

May 26, 2017:
Fingerboard Quantum Leap (3 Note Chords)
PART ONE: In example one, the exercises take a key of "G Minor" riff and demonstrate how the 3 Note Triads can offer two sound options on the fingerboard. The first explores how the riff can be performed in...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Thursday, May 25, 2017

One of the most connected ways a musician can perform a melody directly over a chord in a progression is to use an arpeggio.
Arpeggios allow a musician to directly connect into the chord tones for each chord change. When a musician develops their ability to...