East Indian Scales and Bends

East Indian music is full of very cool sounding slides and bends built from interesting scale tone combinations. It can be a fantastic direction to study for introducing some very different sounds into your guitar playing... Many years ago, (probably around the mid-1980's),...

Music Publishers Pull the Trigger, Launch ISP Piracy Lawsuit...

The lawsuit by BMG Rights Management and Round Hill Music says that Cox Internet and Media (of Atlanta, Georgia USA), blew off several copyright notices from two Rightscorp clients. BMG Rights Management and Round Hill Music have sued Cox Communications for copyright infringement,...

Micro Lesson 031: "Bb Major" Jazz Progression

Welcome to... "Micro-Lesson 031"  This micro lesson teaches a jazz progression in the key of, "Bb Major."  This Micro Lesson takes a look at a 4-bar jazz progression known better through harmonic...

Pressure Groups Still Hope to Tax Music Fans for Copying Their Own Music!

Music industry bodies criticized a UK Parliament bill that finally made it legal for music fans to make copies of music, including ripping their own CDs, for failing to give compensation to the owners of the music. Industry pressure group UK Music criticized the legislation...

Micro Lesson 030: "A Minor" 16th-Note Pentatonic Lick

Welcome to... "Micro-Lesson 030"  This micro lesson teaches a fast Pentatonic Lick in the key of, "A Minor."  This Micro Lesson takes a look at a fast paced pentatonic minor lick in the key of "A...

Is the Pop Music Industry Designed to Discourage Good Music?

If you think the Internet democratized music, think again. The top 1% of musicians earn a whopping 77% of the revenue from recorded music, and it's only getting worse. There isn't a crisis of money in the industry — there's a crisis of equity. Derek Thompson reported in...

Micro Lesson 029: "A Major" Jazz Walking Bass line

Welcome to... "Micro-Lesson 029"  This micro lesson teaches a Jazz Walking Bass-line in, "A Major."  This Micro Lesson breaks down an example of a Jazz Walking Bass-line riff. This riff functions around...

Micro Lesson 028: "E Minor" Arpeggiated Riff

Welcome to... "Micro-Lesson 028"  This micro lesson teaches an Arpeggiated Riff in, "E Minor."  This Micro Lesson takes a look at performing a selection of diatonic chords from the key of "E Minor" as...

NEW STUDY: All Music Can Be Boiled Down To 9 Basic Elements...

A new study turns music theory on its head, making it easier for non-musicians to understand elements of music — perhaps, there are more commonalities than you might have thought. TV On The Radio’s lead singer Tunde Adebimpe once told Rookie, “Songs are like spells, you...

The Power of the Six Chord in Minor Key's...

When it comes to getting our Minor key chord progressions to have a strong sound, there's one chord degree that just can't be beat for gaining strength and that's the sixth degree of Natural Minor. This particular harmonic degree offers the composer an extremely substantial...

Slipknot's Jim Root: Top 5 Tips for Guitarists...

Guitarist Jim Root shoulders most of the composing duties in his band Slipknot. When asked about his writing style Root says, "For the most part, I just try to imagine our live show and think of the kinds of things that would sound good when I'm up on stage. When you can...

Which songs are played the most at funerals?

Pop songs, humor and sport themes sit alongside traditional hymns and classics, with Frank Sinatra’s My Way toppled off the top spot for the first time in more than a decade.  The research, carried out by the UK’s largest funeral director, is based on over 30,000 funerals...