Guitar Lesson: Major & Minor Pentatonics in Blues

Andrew Wasson of Creative Guitar Studio answers a viewers question: Q: Can you explain how to use different scales in Blues progressions. I was on a guitar discussion forum where they were posting about playing major and minor pentatonic and even modes on blues progressions. But, I dont quite understand is how this works. I was taught that on blues...

Music Lesson: Harmonic Analysis & Minor Key Theory

Andrew Wasson of Creative Guitar Studio answers a viewers question: Q: I have subscribed to your channel and watched a lot of your videos. My background is limited in theory, but Ive learnt enough theory to have questions. I will limit them to the following it would be great if you could answer them. They are #1). Are there different rules for...

Guitar Lesson: Relative Tonality Shifting

Andrew Wasson of Creative Guitar Studio answers a viewers question: Q: Can you make a video that goes over the concept of playing both major and relative minor scales over the same progression. For example; If there was a chord progression that went: Fmi Bbmi Db Eb could you demonstrate playing over it in two ways. Once resolving into the Major...

Guitar Lesson: Country & Bluegrass Chord Strumming

Q: I watched your country guitar seminar video on YouTube and was wondering if you could do more of a beginners level video all about playing basic country bluegrass strumming. I just seem to only strum guitar with one or two basic strum patterns and could really use something fresh in my playing. - Thanks, Jake - New Albany, IN. A: Basic beginner...

Guitar Lesson: Pitch Axis Theory & Modal Harmony

Andrew Wasson of Creative Guitar Studio answers a viewers question: Q: I have been searching for a good lesson about a concept called "Pitch Axis Theory", but I cannot find one that explains how to use it. Most of the stuff Ive found just goes on about Modes, but doesnt really cover how the shredder guys and the fusion guys actually use this concept...

Guitar Lesson: Mixolydian Scale in Classic Rock

Q: I was wondering if you can cover the sounds of Mixolydian as its used in Rock styles. I like the way bands like Guns N' Roses and Skid Row use this mode to make their music. But, I dont understand how to write chord progressions using this mode applied to a style like classic rock. Thank you Thomas, Germany Thanks for writing in! There is a...

MUSIC THEORY: The Harmonic Minor Scale

Q: I am a new subscriber and your lessons are helping me a lot... I cannot thank you enough! My question is, Can you please cover the Harmonic Minor Scale. I keep hearing about how it is so widely used but after playing it, I cannot seem to get it to sound good over anything. I mostly would like to know where and when I am supposed to be using...