Rock Lead Guitar Soloing - Part One

This video walks viewers through a typical rock solo that incorporates a number of phrasing devices. Both the Natural Minor and the Minor Pentatonic scales are used. Get the FREE Associated Lesson Material on our website, just follow the link below: Rock Lead Soloing Part One Handout Part 2 of this series is available from the Creative Guitar Studio...

MUSIC READING: Understanding Stage/Slash/Lead Charts

Andrew Wasson of Creative Guitar Studio answer's a viewers question: Q: I like your videos where it shows you going to gigs and playing at them. One thing I want to know about, is how you can learn so many songs so quickly when you have to play as a sub in a band. You once made mention that you sometimes only get a few days notice to learn an entire...

80's Hard Rock Rhythm Guitar Series - Part One

Andrew Wasson from Creative Guitar Studio answers a viewer's question: Q: I was wondering if you could do a lesson about playing the 80s hard-rock rhythm styles of; Van Halen, the Scorpions, or Whitesnake (that stuff). They all seem to use a low drone E or A string, but I get a little bit lost on the chords. Especially the Van Halen songs. They seem...

Music Theory: Key Modulation

Andrew Wasson of Creative Guitar Studio explains the use of Modulation in a piece of Music. He explains the two most popular types of modulating from one key to another in a song. Direct Modulation, which occurs when a key appears suddenly. And, Pivot Chord Modulation, which will use a chord shared by both keys to allow for a seamless transition...