Whole Tone & Augmented - Scales & Harmony

Q: I have been working on my Jazz guitar theory for over a year now and I have a handle on most of the basic ideas. But, Im heavy into jazz fusion guitar. Scott Henderson is my favorite guitarist! One thing I know he uses a lot are the Augmented scales and arpeggios. Could you please explain what exactly Augmented is all about and how I can practice...

The Major Scale - Ionian Mode

Q: Can you do a quick video lesson about the Ionian Mode. I think it is associated to the Major Scale. But, my guitar teacher couldnt explain it very well. I always appreciate your clear explanations, could you please help me out!  - Thanks, Lamar Jacksonville, FL. The mode known as IONIAN is simply an ancient Greek name for our most basic...

Guitar Lesson: Major & Minor Pentatonics in Blues

Andrew Wasson of Creative Guitar Studio answers a viewers question: Q: Can you explain how to use different scales in Blues progressions. I was on a guitar discussion forum where they were posting about playing major and minor pentatonic and even modes on blues progressions. But, I dont quite understand is how this works. I was taught that on blues...

Music Lesson: Harmonic Analysis & Minor Key Theory

Andrew Wasson of Creative Guitar Studio answers a viewers question: Q: I have subscribed to your channel and watched a lot of your videos. My background is limited in theory, but Ive learnt enough theory to have questions. I will limit them to the following it would be great if you could answer them. They are #1). Are there different rules for...

Guitar Lesson: Relative Tonality Shifting

Andrew Wasson of Creative Guitar Studio answers a viewers question: Q: Can you make a video that goes over the concept of playing both major and relative minor scales over the same progression. For example; If there was a chord progression that went: Fmi Bbmi Db Eb could you demonstrate playing over it in two ways. Once resolving into the Major...

Guitar Lesson: Country & Bluegrass Chord Strumming

Q: I watched your country guitar seminar video on YouTube and was wondering if you could do more of a beginners level video all about playing basic country bluegrass strumming. I just seem to only strum guitar with one or two basic strum patterns and could really use something fresh in my playing. - Thanks, Jake - New Albany, IN. A: Basic beginner...

Guitar Lesson: Pitch Axis Theory & Modal Harmony

Andrew Wasson of Creative Guitar Studio answers a viewers question: Q: I have been searching for a good lesson about a concept called "Pitch Axis Theory", but I cannot find one that explains how to use it. Most of the stuff Ive found just goes on about Modes, but doesnt really cover how the shredder guys and the fusion guys actually use this concept...

Guitar Lesson: Mixolydian Scale in Classic Rock

Q: I was wondering if you can cover the sounds of Mixolydian as its used in Rock styles. I like the way bands like Guns N' Roses and Skid Row use this mode to make their music. But, I dont understand how to write chord progressions using this mode applied to a style like classic rock. Thank you Thomas, Germany Thanks for writing in! There is a...

MUSIC THEORY: The Harmonic Minor Scale

Q: I am a new subscriber and your lessons are helping me a lot... I cannot thank you enough! My question is, Can you please cover the Harmonic Minor Scale. I keep hearing about how it is so widely used but after playing it, I cannot seem to get it to sound good over anything. I mostly would like to know where and when I am supposed to be using...

Chord Families & Diatonic Substitution

Chords may be grouped into families based upon the principle chords found in harmony. These principle chords include the Root, Fourth and Fifth. (Notated as: I, IV, V). In the key of C Major, we have the Root, (or the I chord), occurring as the C Major chord. The fourth step chord, (or the IV chord) occurs as the F Major. And, the fifth step chord,...

Folk Fingerstyle - Part One

Viewers Question: Q: My favorite type of guitar playing is folk fingerstyle. Last month, I watched your YouTube Fingerstyle Guitar Primer video lesson that you posted in March of 2009. I have purchased your Accelerated Learning ebook and I am practicing using the learning how to learn techniques. In the last few weeks, I have made a proper practice...

Progressive Metal: Riff Building

Back in the sixties and seventies progressive rock bands like King Crimson, Yes and Jethro Tull pushed rock into new artistic directions. In recent years progressive metal bands like; Iron Maiden, Dream Theater and Opeth have built on the platform of this style taking it even further. The concept with this style of music is that of blending the...

The Chords of "Smooth Jazz" - Part One

Andrew Wasson of Creative Guitar Studio answers a viewers question... Q: Can you do a video that looks at the really cool sounding chords played by guys like Larry Carlton and Lee Ritienour? I always hear them in the smooth jazz tunes, and it sounds like you play them in your music too. By the way, how can I buy your album? I looked on your website...

Setting Intonation on a "Gibson Style" Fixed Bridge

Video lesson covers a string change from .009 Gauge to .011 Gauge guitar strings. However, the main focus of the lesson is that of checking and setting intonation. Intonation on a guitar has to do with how "in tune" a string on the instrument is in relationship to the ratio of all of the other notes found on the fingerboard for that particular string....

Jazz Guitar Soloing - Part One

This Two Part video guitar lesson series covers the art of targeting chord tones in the jazz guitar style. For a article about this topic as well as a tab chart and single pass MP3 jam track, follow the link below to the Creative Guitar Studio website to read all of the lesson notes and grab your FREE downloads: Jazz Guitar Soloing - Part One FREE...

Accelerated Learning: How to Practice

Accelerated Learning concepts offer a dramatic effect on the ability to take in and retain information. But, they also provide the user with enhanced creative skills as well. The principles are simple, yet rarely applied. Aspects such as; staying relaxed while learning, taking breaks, working in short time frames, visualizing, and bringing about...

Rock Lead Guitar Soloing - Part One

This video walks viewers through a typical rock solo that incorporates a number of phrasing devices. Both the Natural Minor and the Minor Pentatonic scales are used. Get the FREE Associated Lesson Material on our website, just follow the link below: Rock Lead Soloing Part One Handout Part 2 of this series is available from the Creative Guitar Studio...

MUSIC READING: Understanding Stage/Slash/Lead Charts

Andrew Wasson of Creative Guitar Studio answer's a viewers question: Q: I like your videos where it shows you going to gigs and playing at them. One thing I want to know about, is how you can learn so many songs so quickly when you have to play as a sub in a band. You once made mention that you sometimes only get a few days notice to learn an entire...

80's Hard Rock Rhythm Guitar Series - Part One

Andrew Wasson from Creative Guitar Studio answers a viewer's question: Q: I was wondering if you could do a lesson about playing the 80s hard-rock rhythm styles of; Van Halen, the Scorpions, or Whitesnake (that stuff). They all seem to use a low drone E or A string, but I get a little bit lost on the chords. Especially the Van Halen songs. They seem...

Music Theory: Key Modulation

Andrew Wasson of Creative Guitar Studio explains the use of Modulation in a piece of Music. He explains the two most popular types of modulating from one key to another in a song. Direct Modulation, which occurs when a key appears suddenly. And, Pivot Chord Modulation, which will use a chord shared by both keys to allow for a seamless transition...