Posted by Andrew Wasson
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
In this rhythm guitar series video lesson I explain the use of two-note chords, (known as Double-Stops & also sometimes called Dyads), and I discuss how to combine them with single note melody lines to create interesting supplemental guitar parts.
This approach is great if you are a second or third guitarist in a band or if you are doing recording...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
In this video lesson I explain how advanced beginner's and intermediate students alike can develop a straight forward arrangement of the classic Christmas carol, "God Bless Ye Merry Gentleman."
For a FREE chart and further information please follow the link below to my website:
God Bless Ye Merry Gentle...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Part One of this video lesson covers the basics of quarter-note and eighth-note rhythms. The focus is simple strum patterns. Part two of this Rhythm Guitar Series (available off of the Creative Guitar Studio website), examines syncopation and anticipation in rhythmic feel. If these terms are unfamiliar to you; Syncopation is the accenting of weaker...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Sunday, December 13, 2009
The famous Christmas Carol, "Deck the Halls."
In this video lesson Andrew explains how advanced beginner's and intermediate students alike can develop a straight forward arrangement of the classic Christmas carol, "Deck the Halls."
The Tab for this lesson is available on our website, just follow the link below:
Deck the Halls - Christmas Carol...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Developing Lines for the II, V, I Progression:
Lines can be established for this series of chord changes based upon either scales or arpeggios.
The II chord in Major key jazz turnarounds is "Minor 7th." The V chord is "Dominant 7th." By performing the Dorian Mode off of the root of the two-chord we can achieve a solid selection of tones...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Friday, December 4, 2009
Andrew Wasson of Creative Guitar Studio discusses the famous carol, "O Christmas Tree."
In this video lesson Andrew explains how advanced beginner's and intermediate students alike can develop a straight forward arrangement of the classic Christmas carol, "O Christmas Tre...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Analysis of the II V I Progression:
The chord movement known as the; "two," "five," "one," is by far the most popular jazz chord movement out there. Most of the jazz standards contain this cycle of chords. It's popularity is on the same level as the 12-Bar Blues set of chord changes.
To fully understand this concept we must develop a firm grasp...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Christmas Carol Guitar Lesson with Andrew Wasson from Creative Guitar Studio.
In this video lesson Andrew explains how advanced beginner's and intermediate students alike can develop a straight forward arrangement of the classic Christmas carol, "Silent Night."
Get the Tab for this lesson on our website:
Creative Guitar Studio Christmas Silent...
Posted by Andrew Wasson
Slide guitar playing is a great way to introduce a very hip tone into your style. Whether you choose a glass or metal slide, the color of this sound is something that can't be overlooked. Often at Creative Guitar Studio student's will ask which slide they should begin with; i.e., glass or metal. It is a decision that lies with the player. Both have...